When Bandages Aren’t Enough, You Have Me

Kray 00K Active
Latest: Final
Time: 2023-12-11

Title: When Bandages Aren’t Enough, You Have MePairing: FanxingRating: PG-13Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Domestic AU, Fluff, slight angstLength: 4kWarning: unbetaedSummary: Yixing doesn’t know how to take care of himself, so Yifan does it for him.Notes: Originally written for kissfanxing ❤❤❤ (Make sure to check out all the glorious Fanxing fics there!) OP, I wasnt sure if you wanted this to be canon or not so if you did, I’m sorry cause it isnt. If I did write canon, it would be really painful. Hope you still enjoy this!
