The Unbeatable Single Man

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Author: kondomcircle
Latest: kimbap
Time: 9 month ago

iKON doesnt believe Hanbin when he said he has a date. No one does     Foreword “Chanwoo-ah, you move to the beat, okay? It’s ta-ta-ta-stop-ta-da-ta-rat-ta.” Hanbin chuckles and Chanwoo obeys, acing the steps. He then looked and thanked the leader before stepping away from him. It was very odd for the newest member to see the tiger leader like this. To him it was like a new mode of punishment and the maknae didn’t want to face it.Yunhyeong, who was acing every dance step there is, swung his arm around the leader, squishing him. “Yah. Why are you so happy today?”“I am?” Hanbin smiled brightly, making the visual hide behind Jiwon.Jiwon laughed and smacked Yunhyeong’s head. “He finally got laid.”
