ƞew year • ƞew story || a 2015 writing competition

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Author: exocontests
Latest: Oh hey
Time: 9 month ago

Start Date: January 1, 2015Deadline: April 1, 2016*cue the cheesy intro*With a new year comes new opportunities.New wishes.New resolutions.New dreams.New stories.So welcome in January with a smile on your face and a fresh aspiration to become a better writer.Throughout the duration of this contest, I hope that you will all discover who you are as AFF authors and encounter a valuable learning experience. There will never be an experience as renewing as that moment the clock hits midnight and the calendar turns to January first; and I want to use this contest as a way to bridge that feeling of renewal with the feeling of brand new ideas running through your mind. Welcome to Volume II of the "New Year, New Story" contest.  If youre new to NYNS, heres the basic idea of this competition: It lasts 15 months. No, that was not a typo. It shall run for 125% of a year. Why fifteen, you might ask? Because 2015, thats why.Before you exit this under the impression that its too much time, hear me out: If youre an impatient person like myself, it is possible to get your story evaluated with a final score before the deadline. If you ask for early grading, you will even receive a special prize (because Id like to get a head start on judging).If thats not enough reason to join, just keep in mind that weve got big prizes. And lots of virtual hugs. *subtle bribing*(Btw, I have a bit of a sarcastic humor. Im totally nice though, I promizseee). Foreword1. Subscribing is mandatory for all contestants. Not only for egotistical reasons, but also for you. Yes, Im talking to you. You need to remain updated. (if youre planning on joining, that is. Which you totally should, because NYNS is a party).2. You are allowed to enter your story into multiple contests. (I guess thats not really a rule, is it? Just a fact.)3. You must mention and link back to this contest in your storys foreword. If you dont, I will be a brat and continuously pester you until you do. Whether or not you want to use the banner is up to you.4. Upvotes make me sooo totally happyyyy. *hint-hint* *cough-cough*5. Dont bash or plagarize. If you act harshly towards myself or any other contestants, I will give you a warning. And if the unacceptable behavior persists, you will be withdrawn from the contest.6. Meet the deadline. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule; but you may only receive an extension if you personally ask me for one.7. You may do whatever you want with the settings of your story for the duration of the contest. But, when the deadline rolls around, you must turn off the "subscribe-only" option.8. Tell me if you delete or discontinue your story. Personally, I find it quite irritating when Im not informed of said actions.9. Beta-readers, co-authors, and reviews are allowed.10. You must use at least one prompt in your story. Keep in mind that the story doesnt necessarily have to be centered around the prompt (Id prefer if they werent tbh), but it must be incorporated in such a way that does not cast it off to the side either.11. Stories that were created before the year 2015 will not be accepted as entries. Please do not begin your story until the new year.12. The actual password is: 2015.13. Have ALL the fun!Before submitting a fanfic, remember this tip: The best stories are written by authors who wait for the right inspiration. Simply glancing at a prompt and thinking up a random potential scene in your head does not count as inspiration. Do not hit that "Create Story" button the second you think up an idea. Instead, conjure several ideas and select your favorite. Make sure you have the story planned out. And then enter. If you randomly come up with a vague storyline, chances are that the flame will die out quickly. Ive seen it happen countless times. Itd be a pretty good idea too look at chapter 4 before starting too.Now that Ive gotten that out of the way, here is the story submission link: http://tfaforms.com/358814Here is a virtual hug for you if youre planning on joining. (*739283) <- lets pretend this is a hug emoji.
