Human, but not..... (1/1)

Dream/Fate frenie 63690K 10 month ago

The sound of woman's laughWho is she?Wait...wait for me!!!(Teet...teet...teet...)"Kai!"Kai opens his eyes as the voice of someone calling him. He blinks several times before looking at the source of the sound.His alarm is ringing like crazy in the hand of someone who's towering him beside the bed."Baekhyun hyung..." he rubs my eyes with his hand."No, I'm your grandma." Baekhyun replies abruptly. "Why are you so hard to wake up? Your alarm's sounds can wake up the entire army and you just lay down there peacefully.""What time is it now?""It's four in the morning. No one wants to wake up at this time and hour. What are you, a hermit?!" Baekhyun keeps grumbling and throws the alarm to him then walks out.Kai sighs and reaches the alarm. He keeps forgetting that he has no need to wake up early in the morning anymore since EXO is free of crazy morning schedules for sometimes and he also does not have very tight schedules himself. He walks to the bathroom and wash his face. For a moment, the memory of that dream's getting back at him."Who is she?" Kai whispers. Why is he dreaming of that girl?"It's not like I'm in a desperate need of a girl." he chuckles a bit. Well, no need to think of her, It's just another weird dream in kind of weird situation.Then he goes back to sleep.___________________________________________________________Two weeks later.....(ongoing New York concert, U.S. Airplane)"Okay, since when did you say you have dreamed of this girl?" D.O asks him while keeps looking at his Note.Kai still looks outside the window. It feels like there has been ages he sees the cloud, no lands, or anything. Just clouds after clouds without end."I don't know, two weeks maybe. I don't really pay attention." he replies."Why do you keep thinking of her if you don't really pay attention?" finally he looks at his fellow friend. "Isange.""It's because she appears in my dreams every night." Kai starts to feel annoyed."Hok shi..." D.O moves a little bit closer to him. "You want a girl that bad?!""Ya, do Jjinja!" Kai puts some distance to show him his annoyance.D.O just laughs and gets back to his chair. "Mian." He says lightly."What does she look like? the girl of your dream." he says and begins to chuckle again."Ya! for hundred times, she's the girl IN my dream not OF my dream.""Nde, Nde,,,so tell me. It's quite fun listening to your story actually." He looks at Kai again. "quite powerfull to keep boredom some distance."Kai sighs. It's useless to tell someone about it. He knows, he even would do just the same when someone tells him of some unknown girl that appears in dream. Because it's kind of absurb, but...He doesn't know,,,,there's something with this girl."Well?" D.O still looks at him."I don't...ugh, well, she's around 18 or 19 maybe, has long hair, black hair, I guess.""You guess?""Well, it's kind of hard to picture someone I never see.""Yeah, go on.""Where did we, oh , yeah, she has these big eyes, oval face, maybe 160 cm tall, and her skin, it looks so pure white...."D.O doesn't respond at first. He just keeps looking at Kai, then touches his upper arm."Are you sure you don't just imagine this girl?""Why, What do you mean?" Kai gives a confused look."Well, you know, it just that the girl, she may looks like..."D.O hesitates for a moment then whispers to him. "Sadako in Ju-On."Then he laughs like crazy. "Hahahahaha, got you!"Kai does not know what expression he shows at that time, hearing D.O making fun of him is terribly annoying but somehow it's ridiculous to the point of absurdity...which makes him laughs too."I'm sorry." D.O wipes tears from his eyes, then punches his shoulder.Before moving away, he turns at Kai again, "Man, gets back to reality as soon as possible, arata?"Kai pouts at him and leans back on his chair.When he remembers his conversation with D.O, Kai chuckles again. Yeah, maybe he really do need to find a girl. A real one at that.__________________________________________________________________________"Hei, wake up sleepy head. We've arrived."Kai opens his eyes and see Sehun shakes his shoulder a little.He streches a bit then gets up to follow his fellow members off the flight.The bright sunlight hits his eyes when he faces the open air."Ya, Kim Jong-in! Ppallihae!" Suho calls out to him from bellow. He follows the other members to the airport lounge to wait for their cars.“Okay, guys.” EXO manager calls out their attention. He’s a very short man in his age, not really has special charm, but does have this kind of ability to create creepy atmosphere if the members are out of track.“Today, you’re gonna have rehersal at 4, press conference at 9, interview with local radio at 11, shooting for ads at 2...” He keeps bubbling but Kai has lost in track.He’s so tired that he really needs to rest even for a bit. This schedules here are killing him. He will be a dead meat by the time he goes back to Seoul.Sehun waves at him from the back of their manager and makes a pose like someone shooting himself in the head. Kai almost bursts out loud when he sees his friend's face but quickly regain his calmness as the manager uses a laser look on him.“Is there anything funny, Kim Jong-in ssi?”“Aniyo. Choe song hae yo, hyung.” Kai bows a bit then looks at Sehun who gives an innocent look back at him.As the meeting goes, he tries to keep his focus on their managers face, rather than wanders around to his fellow members’ face. Better be carefull than being grounded in here. Hu-uh, not funny at all.“Well, I know you are all tired. So, four hours of free times.” Their manager finally says at the end of their meeting.“Jjinja?” they waul almost at the same time.“Well, I’m not really that evil, you know.” He smiles a bit. “Go on then.”They runs out almost like the chicken has been freed of its cage.___________________________________________________________________________For five minute, Kai stands still looking at the bags his hyung carries on.“Err, Chanyeol hyung...” Kai calls him.“What?” Chanyeol keeps looking at the store around.“Don’t you think it’s way pass enough?” Kai blinks his eyes several times.“What is pass enough?”“These.” Kai points at the bags Chanyeol carries.“Don’t you know? He has a competition with the shoes stores. Which one of them will winning the fantasy award of having plenteous of shoes.” Sehun says as he pass by him.“Ya, do!” Chanyeol chases after him.Kai just smiles at them. He follows his friend slowly while looking around.After walking for a moment, he decides to get into a very unsual antique store.That store does not really show creepy think, but somehow the atmosphere...Kai takes a quick look at the inside and found somewhat it’s funny that he decides to enter this store out of many since he does not really into antiques. After a few moment, he finally decides to better get going.He walks slowly to the door, but then his eyes catches something.Kai slowly approaches the showcase sixfeet away from him. He looks at that thing for a moment without even moving.“That’s an amulet, young man.” He startled by the sound comming from behind him.He turns around and see a very old man standing there in th middle of the store.Where did he come from? A questions echoes in his head. He does not hear a move or anything a moment ago. Was he that focus on this amulet?“You’re Korean?” Kai asks the old man.“Well yes, as you can see.” The old man smiles warmly.“I’m sorry I didn’t hear you coming.”“That’s okay.” The old man approaches him. “You like it?”“I’m sorry?”Kai frowns.“The amulet, I mean. Do you like it?” the old man points out at the amulet.“Oh yeah, you know, I just wander around and well,,,”Kai does not know what to say. He looks at the door then says, “I’d better get going. My friends are maybe looking for me.”The man’s voice stops him as Kai reaches the door handle. “You know, some superstition say that the amulet chooses his owner.”“I don’t really believe in superstition.” Kai looks at him again.“Well, there’s nothing wrong with buying anything that catches your attention even if it’s antique.”“What did you say?”The old man smiles again and gets the amulet then gives it to him.“Here, for the store’s promotion.” The old man pats his hand then walks to the back of the store until he dissapeare behind a very huge wooden wardrobe.Kai walks out of that store while staring at the amulet in his hand. It is made to be just like a bracelet. There a pendan in the middle of it. He can’t say the color of it. Is it limpid?Bruukk...“Oucchh!!!” Kai just feels like something hard smashing his body. He lands on the road with his butt comes first.For a moment he only focus on rubbing his butt until, he looks at the person who hit him.It’s a girl. Quite tiny, he thinks from the posture of her body. She wears hat that cover almost half of her face.“Are you okay?” Kai offer his hand to help.“She does not reach his hand. Instrad, she stands up herself then starts to walk away.By then, he sees something just lay several feet away from the palce she fell down.“Wait, you left this.” Kai reaches her stuff then goes after her.She stops than turns around. Still does not want to look up, she extend her hand.At the moment, he touches her hand something strange happens to him. It’s like he becomes dizzy that he almost collapse there.She withdraws her hand as soon as she feels his skin.“Thank you.” She says then run to the crowds.What was that just now?Kai still tries to recover from the shock when he hears someone calls his name.“Hei, Jung-in ssi, we’ve been looking for you.” Lay walks to him.He turns around, feel that he has gotten over the feeling.“Are you okay?” Lay asks as he stands in front of him.Quickly, Kai gives smile, a weary one though. “Hyung, can you stop calling my name like that?!”“Let me see, hmm,,,no. It’s more fun like this.” D.O adds.Kai just can sigh and rolls his eyes.“What is this?” Lay points at the amulet in his hand.“An amulet.”“Well, since when did you like weird thing like this?” D.O looks at it closely.“I... don’t know.”“Does look good on you though. Just wear it.” Lay suggests“Guys, let’s go.” Suho calls them.________________________________________________________________________________________“Looks like it’s going to rain.” Suho annouce them when they are heading to the press conference.Kai looks outside the car. The heavy clouds are clinging in the sky.He does not know why but somehow he starts to feel unease.“Are you okay?” Suho looks at him.“Nde hyung. Gwechanika.” Kai replies. But even he himself does not feel good at all.During the press conference, he sits still and keep silent. He just prays that this will be over soon and he can rest for a bit.At the end of the press session, he’s getting worse. He sweats much and looks increadibly pale.“You can’t go on like this. I’ll tell the manager.” Suho stops him.Lay leads him to the nearby chair. “What happen to you?”“Dunno. Just tired maybe.”“You’re nearly fainting in the conference room. This can’t only be tired.” Xiumin argues.“Lay takes him to the parking lot. There’s a car waiting for him there.” The manager who comes afterward tells him.Lay nods and leads him to the basement parking lot. Hel helps him get in the car and talks with the driver.“Be careful, there’s heavy rain out there.” Kai can still hear Lay’s voice but it seems so distance.He can feel the car moves and goes out of the building. As the car starts to run, he suddenly has a headache.It feels like his head has been stammering down by a hammer.“Are you okay, Sir?” the driver calls out to him.Kai only raises his hand as the sign to keep moving on. But not so long after, it has to stop because of there’s an incident.“I’m sorry Sir, there’s a major traffic jam in front...”Kai looks outside and freeze. That girl wearing a hat. It’s the girl that he saw earlier.“Sir, where are you going?!”  the driver shouts as Kai jumps out of the car.He also does not know why, but his body suddenly moves out and his instinct tells him to chase after her.The rain hit him hard, but he seems to feel nothing. He just focus on the shadow of that girl who keeps moving fast in front of him.Several times he almost get hit by a car but he ignores it.He keeps chasing her until he suddenly turn left at the corner of the street and lost her.Where did she go? Kai asks him self. He keeps running until he stops at the death end. He lost her, he tells himself.Right when he turns his head. He sees it.At the moment, he could only freeze. That tiny body are getting limp at the corner of huge garbage bin at the end of the street. It’s not moving.He approaches her slowly, and chills running out over his body. Her hat’s gone and he can clearly see her face. A face of extreme beauty. But what makes him chills is that half of her face is covered with blood.A moment later, Kai finally realizes his surrounding. He kneels down and throw up.It’s not just her face, but her are also covered with blood.There’s a head, a human head on her hand...Another parts of the body are scattered near the garbage bin.He’s sure it’s more than one person, but can’t bring himself to look more details as he’s closed to throw up again.Suddenly, she open her eyes slowly. She looks straight to him.Kai can’t move his body. His mind’s screaming like crazy and told him to run but his body does not want to obey.She tries to stand up and walks to him. Leaving the head scattered there.She approacher slowly until their distance is only a few inchies.“Look at me.” She says almost as a whisper. Kai obeys her.“You have to go. You’re not supposed to be here.”If someone asks him, what’s the funniest moment in his life, he could’ve answered that now . Because right after she says that his fear seems to evaporate. Replace by confusion. Confussion of his own feeling.His sanity pushes him to turn his back and pretend nothing happens and walk away, but his instinct prevents him.There's something with this girl that he can't figure out.So suddenly something happens. A very loud sound that deafen ears makes him close his ears.Then he can hear the buzzling sound after that. Out of no where a bunch of insects suddenly comes around them.His gaze stops at the corpse which suddenly making sounds like hissing, then he catches something. The stomach of the corpses are moving. He wants to look away but he can’t.He see then, snakes’ head are starting to come out of the corpses’ stomach and slither right to where they are.This is just a bad dream. This isn’t happening. Kai echoes it in his head.Then, a hand touches his face.The girl faces him.“Look only at me.” She says. “You’re gonna be okay.”The next thing he know, she hugs him and whispers "Close your eyes, everything's gonna be alright."Then his world turns black.    ________________________________________________________________________________Note:Hell yeah,,,Finally, I finish the first chps of this story!!!Well, introducing is always the hardest part, you know...Getting to draw attention of the readers to the characters of the story and so on...You know what is the funniest fact?!I'm not even a fan of EXO!!!It's so damn hard to write a story based on the character that you don't even familiar with.(sorry for EXO's fans who read this, no offense guys)It's just that somehow I feel the main role fits to the image of Kai. Groundless reason, I know....Well, feel free to suggest and comment, if you have times :)