12:00 AM (1/1)

Midnight Meetings Hatsumomo 58610K 10 month ago

Dear my Jiyong,I am finally back from Seoul. My family is alright. Mother is still coughing terribly due to her sickness, but the doctor has given her medicine and I believe she'll feel better soon,

especially after she saw me. She had missed me a lot. I had missed her, too. Very much. Yet, those ten days without you felt like endless months to me, love. You have occupied every cell of my body, Jiyong. Even my family cannot make me forget about you for a single second. I cannot stop thinking about you.  I missed you so terribly.Meet me at midnight, in the barn. I'll wait for you. Always.Youngbae Jiyong's hands were shaking while holding the small white paper in his hands. He reread the message a thousand times. He reread it, so he could be sure that he wasn't dreaming again. Youngbae was back. He was back in the village. Jiyong wanted to scream out of happiness but he could not. The only thing he could do was smiling like an idiot to himself. Finally, after ten days of being apart, the longing would be over soon. Though, Jiyong would never stop longing for Youngbae even if they were officially allowed to be in love with each other. They had been dating for one and a half year now and no one, absolutely no one, knew about it. They mustn't know. Because if they did, the beautiful story of Jiyong and Youngbae would become history. In this small, prim village, that was far away from the capital of modernity, no one would ever accept their love for each other. No one would understand what they meant to each other. They would tear them apart violently and Jiyong knew he if that happened, he would finally die from yearning. The young man pressed the piece of paper against his chest, feeling how his wild heartbeat throbbed. It was beating so fast that he was afraid the paper would rip. It was only his words that were pressed against his slim body, however, it felt as if his beloved Youngbae was embracing him with his strong arms in that very moment, as if words became actions all of a sudden. Jiyong smelled the musky scent of his cologne already and felt the amazing heat that usually radiated from his body. He saw that mesmerizing smile in front of him, those pearly white teeth that appeared in between those two luscious, full and red lips, that mouth that had caressed every inch of his body so many times before. The blonde haired man felt himself blushing at those memories. He wanted to have more to remember. He wanted to see his beloved Youngbae. He wanted to make as many memories as possible. Now. Waking up from his small dream, Jiyong took a last glance at the precious paper in his hands before neatly folding it and hiding it in his cupboard, somewhere between his clothes where his parents wouldn't be able to find it. Not that they really bothered about entering their son's room to check on him but that was another story. After he was sure that the message was hidden well, the blonde turned his head to the clock on his wall. 23:10 PM50 minutes were left. It would take him ten minutes to reach the barn if he went by bike. His parents would go to sleep at 23.10 PM. And there was no way he would leave the house without taking a shower! Jiyong inhaled and exhaled once. He would make it. He would make it on time. He had to. But even if he didn't, he knew that Youngbae would wait for him until dawn."I'll wait for you. Always."  Looking into the mirror, he wasn't that satisfied with his look but he had no time and no nerves to change anything about it since it was...23:46 PMby now. Damn. Of course his hair would look like a broom at the most important occasions while it shone perfectly on normal days. Well, that was Jiyong's luck. The blonde sighed. It was time to go. He grabbed a thin leather jacket from his cupboard and sprayed some perfume on his neck and wrists, because Youngbae loved to nuzzle his nose in the junction between his shoulder and neck. Jiyong blushed. His hands were shaking again when he touched the doorknob, tip-toeing out of his room, afraid that his mother would become thirsty or his father would want to go to the toilet. He had had this fear for one and a half year now. He had had it since the first time he started sneaking out of the house at midnight in order to meet his boyfriend. If his parents ever caught him and if his white lies wouldn't sound convincing, there would be strict consequences. Jiyong knew that. Nevertheless, he took every risk for his lover. No punishment in this world could be as horrifying as not being able to see Youngbae. He would endure everything,except  that. When he eventually made it safely to the front door, Jiyong took a last glance at his parents' bedroom door before stepping in the soft summer breeze. He caefully closed the door behind him and made his way to his bike to unbuckle its lock with trembling hands. The blonde bit his lip out of nervousness - it was a habit that he would probably never get rid off - and swung himself on the old, red bike, pedaling through the night, heading towards his lover while the wind blew his face. He smiled to himself again. It had been too long since he last felt this excited.   Jiyong looked at his watch.0:06 AMHe had gotten somewhat slower! Even if he was only slighty delayed, he used to be so much faster with his bike back then. But that didn't matter anymore, because he had finally reached the old barn near the lake. The blonde parked his bicycle at the usual spot and got off of it, his legs feeling like jelly. Perhaps he had been to eager while riding it. With each step towards the barn, he became even more excited, more nervous and his stomach felt all warm and fuzzy. As beautiful as the scenery around the barn looked like during daytime, it was very gloomy at midnight and frankly, Jiyong would be lying if he said he wasn't scared at all. He had come here so many times now, but it was still frightening. He couldn't wait to make himself comfortable in Youngbae's arms. It was the safest place on earth to him. Gulping, the blonde opened the huge wooden door in front of him, peeking inside as the familiar scent of hay invaded his nostrils. Jiyong noticed that there were a few oil lamps set on the ground which lightened up the environment consisting of nothing but hay and old empty chicken cages."Youngbae?" , he called out softly. But he was greeted with silence. Jiyong scratched his head irritatedly before closing the wooden door behind him. He stepped further into the barn, his everything searching for the man he loved more than his own life. Why did it seem like he wasn't there though? "Youngbae?" Again, there was no response. The blonde started to get worried. He wasn't used to this kind of situation. Normally, his boyfriend would always greet him as soon as he walked through the door, engulfing him in a tight and warm hug that Jiyong would really, really loved to get now. Was he outside, doing his business? Had he become tired of waiting? But no - he wasn't even that late, was he? Jiyong let out a ragged breath, standing on their favourite spot of this barn where they had lied many, many nights together. He tried calling him again. "Youn - "Suddenly, Jiyong felt himself losing balance. "Ah!" He was spun around swiftly by an enormous power that he couldn't classify before being pushed down on the ground, back first. He squeezed his eyes shot but luckily, the hay under him softened his fall, preventing him from feeling any kind of pain. It was when he felt a weight on top of his body that he realized he wasn't alone in the barn anymore. His eyes widened when he finally had the courage to open them."B-Bae! You - " "Please love, don't say anything now. I need you.", Youngbae whispered. Before the blonde could say anything else, his mouth was connected with the full lips of his boyfriend, who was kissing him furiously, showing him how much he had longed for this day. Immediately, Jiyong closed his eyes, responding to the passionate kiss that they were sharing. He grabbed Youngbae's neck and pressed him closer and closer against his own body, spreading his legs wider so that the older man could rest comfortably between them. Youngbae's hungry lips trailed down to his perfumed neck, kissing the soft skin there, approving the delicious scent that it emited while one of his hands wandered under the blonde's shirt, feeling the softness of his stomach. Jiyong heard his lover panting from lust and he himself also moaned softy when he started kissing all of his favourite spots: his belly button, his hips, his cleavage. All of them with extra care. It felt so damn good, had to throw his head back at the sensation. "God Ji.", Youngbae said huskily in his ear, the tone of his voice urging Jiyong to claim those delicate lips again. He loved those lips so much. He was addicted to them immediately when he first tasted them a year ago. And to think that he had endured ten days without this, without his boyfriend's love! Unbelievable. Jiyong closed his eyes. He was in pure ecstasy as his longing body was pleased with soft touches and fiery kisses. Before he could even realize it, Youngbae was making love to him on the hay beneath him.   After a while, the couple was laying in each others' arms - like always, after having their private time together. Jiyong felt exhausted again, but  Youngbae's deep brown eyes staring into his own kept him awake. His warm hand cupping his cheek made him smile in comfort and the wonderful sound of his voice chimed thorugh his ears, right into his throbbing heart, making it beat even faster and faster. He was so in love with this man. There would never be another than him. Never ever.Youngbae held his boy in his strong arms, tracing his hand down his blushing face. "What have you done to your face?" "My face? Am I bleeding?", Jiyong asked confusedly, touching his cheek. Could it be that he blushed so hard that one of his veins exploded from too much pressure? That was impossible though.Youngbae laughed. "No, you are not bleeding."  He kissed his lover's nose. "But you have become even more beautiful while I was away." Jiyong grinned. "I didn't do anything. You just missed me, I guess." "Oh, you don't know how much I missed you, Kwon Jiyong." "I missed you more.", the blonde sighed, burrying his head in his boyfriend's chest. "Don't ever leave me alone again. I realized that I cannot bear to be away from you for such a long time." Youngbae hugged the younger boy closer against his chest, rubbing his bare back comfortingly. "I know. But I cannot help it, Ji. They are my family. I have to vist them from time to time, you know." "If only we could be official. Then I would be able to come with you whenever you visit your familiy in Seoul. I have never been in the city before." "Is that so?"Jiyong nodded. The older man changed their position so that the blonde was laying on top of his muscular chest now. Youngbae hooked his hand around the lightweight's slim waist before pecking his lips. "One day, when I have enough money, I promise I will take you everywhere you want. We will explore the world together, love." "Really?" Jiyong's face lit up at that thought. Of course he knew that it could take an eternity until they could implement this plan, however, just the thought of it gave him something to look forward to in his future with the man he loved. Youngbae smiled at him lovingly. "Anything for my baby." The younger man looked down at his boyfriend and he couldn't help but kiss those smiling lips again and again, running his hands through his lover's fluffy hair. When he forced himself to eventually pull away, both of them were smiling and panting at the same time. Jiyong giggled when his boyfriend attacked his neck again, mumbling something about "smelling good" and "irresistable" while he let his hands caress his slim body a bit more. "Hm, you have gained a bit of weight. I like it." "Eh? I feel like a pig. If I didn't miss you that much, I don't think I would have let you ...you know." , the blonde blushed."Nonsense, I have told you before that I prefer you with a bit more meat.", Youngbae said sincerely, patting his hips before changing their positions again. This time, it was him who was on top. "Actually, I like you in any shape.", he corrected himself. Jiyong put his hands on his lover's muscular shoulders, caressing them a bit while smiling. "Youngbae?" "Yes?" Meanwhile, the older man busied himself with his neck again. He couldn't get enough of it today. "Do you think we'll always stay together?" Jiyong bit his lip again as he felt Youngbae pulling away from him and looked into his deep, chocolate orbs. Those eyes alone said more than thousand words to him in that very moment. If only he could speak the language of eyes, he wished. "Ji, I don't know much about this world. I don't know about the stars in the nightsky, the storms in autumn and the heat in summer. There is nothing I believe in with all my heart besides two facts. The first is the existence of God. The second is my undying love for you. That is all I need to know in my life, baby." The older man leaned down, pressing his forehead against the blonde's after placing a chaste kiss on it. "I don't know what the future will bring us, but I know that I will always love you, beautiful. And as long as my heart, that heart that is so damn weak whenever I am with you, keeps me alive, I won't ever let anyone tear us apart. I swear to God I won't, Jiyong. They can try to burn me, beat me or even kill me and I still wouldn't let go of your hand. You are my everything, my life. I cannot function without you, do you understand?""Youngbae, I - ", Jiyong gasped. His boyfriend always told him sweet things, but this topped everything he had ever heard until then. "Youngbae, I- Just, just kiss me."The older man chuckled. "Again?" "Hey!", Jiyong protested, tearing up as he was still touched from those beuatiful words. Youngbae sealed his promise with an almost endless kiss that night. And even though a storm was occuring outside later in the night, they still laid in each others' arms, fearlessly.  A/N: I am not sure what exactly I did towards the end, lol ! It becase so cheesy again sorry! I am a hopeless romantic >.< I hope you still enjoyed this! ^^