Confrontation (1/1)

Ice Cream icybluesnow 25060K 9 month ago

The vibration and ringing of the phone brought Jessica’s senses to a reality. It was the start of the week and with the lack of sleep, Jessica’s current wish was to stay in bed a little longer or worked a little later. Either options were fine, but she could just imagine her bosses nagging voice infecting her already congested head, so she just hurled the blanket over to one side and headed towards the bathroom. Krystal stretched out across the bed when she felt Jessica leave the warm space. It was still quite early in the morning since the sun hasn’t risen from the horizon but her sister’s heavy movements around the bedroom woke her up. Krystal took her phone off the table and squinted when the phone light illuminated so brightly that her eyes felt like it burned. She quickly changed the brightness setting and as soon as she did, she stared at her wallpaper. It was a photo of Amber and herself on their first official date at the LA beach. Staring at her girlfriend’s large smile made herself smile. A notification popped up with a ringing tone and Krystal quickly pressed the green button. “Hello baby.” Amber said through the screen smiling broadly at Krystal. Krystal returned with a big smile as she snuggled into the warm bed, making herself comfortable as she held the phone face up. “Hello baby. Miss me?” Krystal cheekily asked as she looked at Amber blush at her question. “Of course silly, but I always miss you, so it doesn’t matter if I miss you more now or more later. How’s Taeyeon unnie? How is she doing with the whole ordeal?” Amber asked. Krystal looked back to see the bathroom door still closed and the shower water still blasting so she reverted her attention back to the phone. “She’s doing fine. Unnie still doesn’t know what’s been happening with Taeyeon unnie so I feel bad for hiding everything from my own unnie, but I don’t want to take away Taeyeon unnie’s trust.” Amber nodded and looked back at Krystal. “I wish I could be there to help out since Taeyeon unnie helped us get together but my parents need me here.” Krystal just smiled back at Amber’s sweetness. “I’m sure Taeyeon unnie appreciates the fact that you’re thinking about her wellbeing. We’ll be heading to the capital police station this evening for investigation and for the official arrest of Tiffany unnie.” “Sounds like a busy day for you all. Just make sure you’re looking after yourself and looking after Taeyeon unnie. I feel so bad she has to go through all this just for someone she loves.”  Krystal stared at the bathroom door and gave out a big sigh. “I don’t know what unnie was thinking. I haven’t even asked her what’s going to happen between Taeyeon unnie and unnie when all these police investigation finishes.” “I’m sure they will talk it out when the time comes. You can only do so much to keep your Taeyeon unnie safe while Jessica unnie messes up things. Just be there and return to me whenever you’re ready.” Amber said. “Yeah, just wish things didn’t happen you know?” “I know baby, I know. Anyways I got to go. I have to go to the office tomorrow, so I just wanted to call on you and see how you’re doing.” Krystal softened at what Amber said before giving her a timid smile. Amber always seemed to know what to say to make Krystal all soft and mushy. “Thank you, I’ll talk to you soon. I love you.” Krystal said blowing Amber a kiss through the phone. “I love you too! Take care.” Amber replied also blowing a kiss right back before the phone went dark. As soon as the phone ended, the bathroom door opened with Jessica walking out of the bathroom wrapped up in the robe. “Oh, you’re awake so early Krystal.” Jessica said as she made her way towards the wardrobe. “Well someone was too loud in the morning. You were thumping around like an elephant.” Krystal grumbled through the blanket. “Yah! You don’t call your sister fat!” Jessica said throwing her slipper at Krystal. Krystal ducked right underneath the blanket, successfully dodging the flying object. “Well it’s true!” Krystal yelled out as she felt a body hurl right on top of her as Jessica tried to rip off the blanket. Yells of screams and groans were heard echoing around the bedroom until a doorbell rang echoing around the apartment. “Who is here at 6:50 AM in the morning?” Jessica said. “Think you can grab it for my Krys, I need to finish off, so I can get to work.” Jessica said. “Fine.” Krystal replied sliding off the bed. Krystal strutted towards the video cam of the elevator to see a face she did not want to see that early in the morning. “What the fuck is she doing here this early ….” Krystal growled as she stared at Tiffany through the camera. Krystal clicked the call button. “Why are you so early bitch?” Krystal said calmly through the mic. Tiffany yelped at the loud voice of Krystal through the intercom whilst she looked around the high-tech elevator. “I’m here to pick up Jessica for work.” Tiffany replied, not knowing where the mic was. This is some next level technology. No wonder our technology couldn’t enter something so high level as this. Tiffany thought as she looked around. Krystal continued to stare at Tiffany for a few seconds before opening a button, allowing the doors to open. She held in her anger as soon as she saw Tiffany so close to her, but she knew she couldn’t blow her cover. Not this far in the plan. “Nice to see you again Krystal. Thought you were in America with someone named Ashly?” Tiffany asked as she walked in the living room. “She doesn’t concern you. Just sit and unnie will be out soon.” Krystal grunted as she walked back into the bedroom, leaving Tiffany awkwardly standing in the living room. “Tiffany unnie is outside.” Krystal said as she walked past Jessica and back into bed. “Tiffany?” Jessica asked, putting on her light make up. “Yeah, she’s said she’s here to pick you up.” Krystal replied. “Oh okay.” Jessica carefully fixed up her outfit before making her way out of the bedroom. There Tiffany was on the phone, texting someone furiously. “Let’s go.” Tiffany looke