final (1/1)

Jongin was going to do the impossible. He was going to do the hardest of the hardest. He was going to need a lot of stealth, planning and a lot of kissing ass. But it’ll be worth it and if Jongin does say so himself -and he does- he’s adorable and good at getting what he wants.It’s a warm afternoon and the sunlight pouring through the window makes Yixing look like an angel. Yixing will fall for him hook line and sinker.“Buing, buing?”Yixing doesn’t even acknowledge him, a hand idly flicking a page clearly unfazed.“The answer is no Jongin.”Damnit.Jongin curses Yixing and his concentration and his immunes to the cuteness that is Kim Jongin. There’s always tomorrow. Jongin is determined when he goes back to sleep. And it will happen tomorrow.The next day he tries out the tough guy approach. No more Mr-nice-guy. Jongin sprays himself with the bad boy edition of the new perfume that Suho wears .He’s the tough guy Jongin that girls would swoon and fawn over.Jongin saunters over to Yixing who’s still reading that damn book. His hips swing from side to side. He makes a show of running a hand through his hair and smirking.“Yo.Hurry up and get your things. You’re coming with me.”Yixing eyes briefly flash with amusement as he looks at Jongin for a brief second, before once again concentrating on his book.“The answer is still no Jongin.”Jongin almost almost gives up before reminding himself that no-one is immune to the big ball of charm that is Kim Jongin. Except for this sexy one-dimpled hyung named Yixing.Tomorrow. He’ll try again tomorrow. “......please?”Yixing looks up from the same page of the same book that he’d been trying to read all week. Jongin kept distracting him and after he sees that face, Jongin is the only thing he can see on the pages afterwards.Jongin resembles a puppy and Yixing really can’t resist as much as he tries. Sighing Yixing closes his book and says:“Now Jongin-ah was that so hard?” Trust Yixing to want him to still say his p’s and q’s.“No Hyung. I’m sorry. I just- I just want you all to myself.”Yixing raises an eyebrow and Jongin splutters back his ears red.“Um, I mean, that book. That book you’re always reading it and then because of it we don’t...don’t have much time to practice and dance together anymore.”Jongins bottom lip juts out and Yixing melts.He tells Jongin that he always wants to spend time with him and he’ll always dance with him as long as he doesn’t make that face anymore. He entwines his and Jongins hands as they walk to the dance practice studio.Jongin doesn’t need to do aegyo to persuade Yixing to do anything for him. Jongin is naturally cute and Yixing will do anything for those puppy brown eyes anyway. Yixing explains this to his Jongin who blushes a pretty red.“Hyuuuung.” Jongin whines, his bottom lip once again jutting out when Yixing flicks his forehead softly.Yixing kisses him. Jongin squirms and tries to get away but Yixing pounces on him.“We’ll get back to practicing later okay?” Yixing mummers in Jongins ear,earning a delightful shiver as he softly lowers Jongin to the cool tiles of the floor as he kisses Jongin again and again and again and again.------------------------------------Thanks for reading.Brushfire~