[M] The truth hurts (1/1)

Junho tucked Falmeta in,gently running his hand through the soft curls of the latter's hair. Fear creeping up with malice and nothing less,he couldn't help wish,hope,even pray that this was all a dream. The guilt of wasting precious prayer on something so impossible while he should be wishing for realistic endings of which he,Chan and Falmeta are all safe. Wooyoung and Khun too,all life restored to that not so perfect haven that was way more bearable than ..than this. Taecyeon was outside at that very moment and it bugged Junho so hard to know that he was completely useless. Basically the blood leaking into the salty blues leading the sharks right to them,and all he had for amo was legs. Legs that could could take him to the moon and back with just a little of that adrenaline and he'll be gone. Useless.While all he could think about was running,the man who warned him countlessly was out there fucking gnawing at his bottom lip to come up with a god damn miracle plan. He hadn't gone out to look,but Junho could tell that Taecyeon didn't come alone. Shit,he probably brought all his goons and a goddamn black van with tinted windows carrying bleach's and detergents that will wipe the entire place of Wooyoung and Chansung's blood. "So ...so tired..."And he was. So very tired that it only hit him then that even in sleep he was running,never resting while the chase went on. Thoughts went from dazing to dreaming. In no time Junho was snoring lightly breathing in the light scent of baby powder and sleep. Guilt could wait,really. Junho was so tied that if resting his eyes for just a second meant that he'd wake up in Taecyeon's clutches,then that would be alright with him. Maybe,just for a second ...or two..."J-junho-yah!"Junho,lungs clenching then spasming dramatically,landed on the ground with a loud thud then turned his head back to the sound of Wooyoung's frantic voice barging into the room."Shhhh,k-keep it dow-""D-don't tell me to keep it down! Shit,Chan went out there all alone and locked us inside!"Junho's eyes doubled up in size,at least two sizes bigger than Wooyoung's considering how jittery and pale the other male was."Inside? Inside h-"Junho stumbled up onto his feet,nearly tripping over his own two feet while turning around in one spot. It had grown immensely dark,the only source of light shining into the room came from the crescent moon. What? How? When?"Wooyoung for how long was I asleep!? W-why didn't you wake me up? Jesus I'm so confused!"Wooyoung ran towards the staggering younger and held him in his hands."Junho breathe!"He begged,struggling to lay down the hyperventilating younger clawing at the back of his neck trying to grasp onto him for dear life. Feeling as though every single thing was falling out of his grasp and even the fate of his own life wasn't up to him anymore. What had happened to the daylight? Their ally? Were they so hopeless that even the fucking sun thought it to be hopeless to help them? Where were the fucking cops if Junho was out that long? Goddamn it where the fuck did Chansung run to.Once again he didn't know how,but somewhere along the lines of lungs taking in too much oxygen the Junho could feel air bubbles clog his system,and the blood curdling what if's,Junho had managed to stabilize himself and went right into drilling nonsensical questions into Wooyoung's wet sappy face."I don't know but they have Khun!"He cried,"they have Khun and they hurt him and Chan couldn't call the cops or else they'll kill him!"Poor Woo. But really all Junho could think about is how he's going to get Falmeta to wake up and not panic while they climb out the window onto the roof,then somehow zipline themselves onto the neighboring building while Chansung fought like the junkie he was. Is."B-baby wake up.""No Junho what are you doing!?"Wooyoung roughly tugged Junho away after he'd tried to shake the little boy awake."Trust Chan will ya? Hm!?"Wooyoung's eyes were deep and scorned. But not enough because after seconds of intense eye-contact and an unsaid argument,Junho turned back around to continue where he left off.Chansung stood behind the wall blocking off the reception window the entrance. Residents walked in and out like it were any other night even though a suspicious gang of bikes accumulated at the entry.'Say a word and you'll die' looks were passed around quite freely after the shock of seeing Nickhun gagged and roped tightly onto the floor made sure that no-one uttered a single gasp. Not really full proof considering the possibility that one of the irked passerby's could speed-dial the fucking NAVY and bloody NASA for all you know. But Chansung could only have hope on the neighbors he usually referred to as dimswitts to shut their traps and drink their fucking coffee. Because they could drink coffee right about now,and how desperately Chansung wanted some of that coffee now,with a bit of Hennesy and the cheapest joint the streets could offer. But all he could do was clench his jaw while his hands worked to load and cock the 357 Magnum gun he had lowered to the ground. For Junho he would shoot to kill and kill he was definitely going to do because there were so fucking many of them. Henessy sponged with Coffee on the rocks. Yes the bitter taste at the back of his throat would defiantly last a while. But even that was the taste of iron when he bites his tongue deeper every time he squeezes the trigger and ends a night. The weapon was big and could pack a Rhino-horn-like punch that would leave him numb afterwards. But this was nothing. Nothing compared to what he'd really do for Junho. Lord forbid that day from ever coming. But here was now,this moment. When a drop of sweat ran down the vein vertically protruding his forehead made it down to hang over the curve of his eyebrow. Only seconds from now and it will all be nothing but a colossal ruckus. God bless bystanders who get hit in the crossfire.Taecyeon smirked,raising his head up to the window ge believed to belong to Chansung's apartment. One of his henchmen came from the van,holding a black flip-phone out to Taecyeon for the larger man to take."We're connected sir."He said."Very good Samjong,now go help keep tabs on the patrolling police."He instructed,pressing down on the dial button before placing the phone to his ear.Junho lifted his head from his knees when the landline rang."Junho? A-are you going to get it?"Wooyoung could barely stabilize his voice,throat a little clogged from the wetness threatening to burst out,so Junho spared him the argument on whether he should answer or not because he already knew what his friend would say. So he got up anyway and stared at the thing creating a searing noise that disrupted the eerie silence that was the waiting game."A-are you kidding me!? Ju-junho-sshi! You can't answer that what if its Taecyeon trying to see if we're alone or-""Woo-yah please ..please just shut up."Wooyoung's mouth gaped in shock. He held his hand out to catch the one he believed to be acting absurd,but only managed to rip his sweater from his shoulders."Yah! Y-you cannot!""Yes I can! I'm sick of Taecyeon and his fucking mind games so I'm going to tell him that he should back off or else Channie will kill him!"He huffed,stomping towards the telephone then picked it up."Yah Taecyeon!""Oh? Yeobo is that you?"The voice mused,definitely that sinister Taecyeon Junho knew very well at this point."Don't call me that! You ..you lunatic! Just go away and leave us alone.""Haha,Junho don't be silly now. I'll come get you in a few but first you gotta let the big boys talk. Put Chansung on the line,I'm pretty sure that he's planning on doing something stupid that would only get people hurt.""Stuff you Taecyeon! Chansung is going to make you pay so everyone that gets hurt deserves to because they got in his way.""Junho..""And you won't even see it coming because Channie is fucking crazy a-and angry and is going to get back at you for hurting me and all the other people you hurt before!""Junho-yah.""No Taecyeon! No more of your sleazy mind games they won't work on me now!""Oh is that so?"Taecyeon mused,"then why the hell are you crying?"Laughing,cackling really and it did nothing but spur Junho's fuel. So what if steams of tears were running down his face? They were tears of frustration and that's all he cared about as long as he wasn't afraid anymore."Stop playing ox Junho and put Chansung on the line. I'll talk to you later when we're in our room and getting ready for bed. And don't expect me to be gentle..""Fuck you Taecyeon!""In due time yeobo,put papa Channie on the line.""Papa Channie is on his way to you right now and he's going to slit your throat!"His eyes widened in shock. He'd said too much. He only intended on telling Taecyeon to fuck off and now he'd said too damn fucking much. He slapped his palm against his mouth."Oh so you're alone up there!?"Taecyeon's voice boomed while he laughed. So sinister and cold that Junho froze in place."Oh Junho-yah,this is why I love you so. Your Channie doesn't stand a fleeting chance and the thought that I was planning to negotiate a trade with this cop friend of his! Oh wow how stupid he is for leaving you all alone in such a huge building."He laughed and laughed fucking deafening Junho and all he could do was stand there with the phone against his ear."You stay put yeobo. We're coming in."Was all Taecyeon said with a now stoic and nothing more. The line died and beeped a superstitious tone slowing time down to stillness."Alright everybody. We're going in!"Taecyeon commanded his henchmen while he walked towards the main entrance. Chewing his bottom lip with anticipation because he knew that Chansung would give him a bloody good fight and its been a while since his blood had spurred so vividly.Just as he stepped up onto the pavement,he turned his head towards the humming of a Dagger GT engine and it didn't take a brainiac to figure out who it was."Jay..."He muttered,watching the sleek black viper of a vehicle drive on the paving to stop right in front of him."Hehey big boy Teacyeon in the flesh!"Said the annoyingly american accent coming from the rather inked short male jumping out from his machine."Its fucking great to see you! Shit,do you keep growing tall or am I shrinking?"He joked,forcing Taecyeon into a rather clingy hug."What the hell are you doing here?"He barked,pushing Jay off of himself with much trouble considering how humorous the shorter male found their reunion to be."Oh come on big boy,you could be a little nicer you know."He snarled,but blending his authority with that dark not-so-hidden humor."I told them that I have this under control. Why the fuck did they send you!?"Taecyeon huffed,throwing his arms out while he paced around on the spot he stood on. Jay wasn't pleased with the lack of enthusiasm Taecyeon displayed,considering the fact that he had come all the way from his own private matters to 'help' out an old friend he hadn't seen in a year or so."Because I'm the cleaner Taec-""The cleaner? You're gonna fucking leave bloodshed! I've got this under wraps damn it-""Oh do you now?"Jay laughed clutching onto his stomach with one hand while the other rested on Taecyeon's shoulder for support."You've got a fucking cop as a hostage brother! Ha! Shit you've really done it now. What took you so long anyway? It seems you got a little distracted with this one Taecyeon-""Shut the fuck up! I've got this ok?""Yeah,you do now. Now that I'm here that is. There's a big potential buyer bidding on this one young'n. Some big shot baller's willing to pay big bills for that ethnic boy's ass,got some nasty kinky shit planned out for him and I plan on helping every rich man reach his desires."He mulled. Snapping out of it,he shook his head for a brief second then replaced his dull face with a full fledged grin that pushed his pointy ears up even further."I had this under control Jay.""Alright,chill man. Then I guess I'm just speeding up the inevitable okay?""Its not like I can force you to fuck off. Just ..just don't kill anyone okay? Not even a little guy charging at you with a pan. Arraso?""Yeah. I've got you. Carry on men!"He sang to Taecyeon's men with a loony sign of attention before he grabbed a duffel-bag from his car then ran off to the back of the building. Taecyeon shook his head releasing a steady breath while his hands held firmly onto his waist. He signaled for them to bring Nickhun forth then turned around to look down at the dead weight that was Hoverjkul tired from writhing aimlessly. He threw Nickhun over his shoulder,then walked inside.Chansung grinned when the foyer filled with men suited in black."Good job Junho-yah.."He smirked,fully aware that Junho would somehow force everyone of those bozo's to enter the apartment complex. He pulled the cables from the switch panel then looked up to see every light die out."Perfect.."He chuckled,tossing away the loose cabled to squeeze the handle of his gun."Oh no! Junho the lights!"Wooyoung yelled while he looked up into the ventilator opening he'd just jumped out from. After Junho had told him that he'd unintentionally told Taecyeon that they were alone,Wooyoung took the initiative of convincing Junho that they had to get out and get out fast. Thus,leading them to crawling from within the vents with Falmeta staggering in the middle."The lights are going out! The building is going to darken before we find somewhere to hide!"He whisper-yelled while catching the boy who abruptly jumped out."Okay,we need to get to the elevators on the next floor before the power outage reaches them. Then the power will die while we hide in there until the cops finally come out of hiding!""But Junho-sshi what about Khun?"Wooyoung's bottom lip quavered,"I can't hide while he's stuck outside in that evil man's clutches!""We don't have time for this hyung,come on!"Junho tried to grasp onto Wooyoung's hand then run with him. But the elder stood steady and firm."No!"He stated,face glaring seriously into Junho's confused eyes."Fine! B-but if you die,I'll never forgive you!"He yelled while running away from the latter who stood and waved."Come on Falmeta,you need to run very fast for appa alright?"The little boy with wet eyes nodded frantically while trying to keep up with Junho who held onto his hand tightly. They made it up onto the next floor without a breath left in the tightly compressed lungs and burning chests."Okay there's the elevator,just a little more baby we're almost there."Junho almost slipped trying to come to an abrupt stop when they reached the elevator. He pressed so hard on the open button while his head turned from left to right then back.BANG!A gunshot. Hard to miss,bone aching bang that could only belong to a gun."Oh god!"Junho pressed harder and faster while the darkness gradually closed in on them. The gunshots kept going and got louder Falmeta was wailing out in terror by now. Tears dripped down from Junho's chin when the doors finally opened."Oh god thank you!"He sighed when they jumped inside."Whow shit-Jesus my dick!"Junho jumped away from the warm body his back collided into upon jumping inside of the elevator. Just as he was about to turn around,the lights went off and the elevator shut down. Heart racing against the dribbles of sweat running down from his hairline,Junho desperately needed to see who the hell was locked inside of the elevator with them. That's when the red emergency lights went on. Illuminating the compact mirrored cube of a room bright enough for Junho to see him and Jay to see Junho and Falmeta."Well what do we have here?"Jay's slightly dumbfounded expression eased into a devious smirk that was more than enough to alert Junho of the shit he was in."Wh-who are you?"He stammered,stepping back while he pushed Falmeta behind him. The other male occupying the so-called hiding place only came closer eliminating the room between them."Ahh...the little brown boy er? In the fucking flesh,seems I found you before that fart Taecyeon did."Junho's heart literally clawed at his throat at the sound of Taecyeon's name."Oh struck a nerve didn't I?"He chuckled,resting each fist on either side of Junho's head. Junho tried to slow his breathing,just so that he wouldn't need to inhale so much. Jay was so close to his face,his hot breath ghosted over Junho's upper lip."Who are you?"He tried to sound as indomitable as he possibly could. But nothing could keep his eyes from scanning the ink,toned defined biceps and cheek bone that ran vertically down the man's face every time he clenched his jaw."Who am I?"He repeated,face turning slightly as if he was battling to find a balance between rage and conceit."I go by the name Jaebeom,but you can call me Jay..""Well,Jaebeom.."Jay smirked when Junho chose to address him formally,"I'd like to have my personal space back please. Then after that,we can find a way to negotiate how you're going to let me and my son go untouched."Jay chuckled loudly right before Junho's eyes. Scaring the living hell out of the latter's heart that he almost felt hazy. But he had to remain firm and unhindered,for the sake of the little person standing behind him clutching onto his sweat pants."Woulda been a possibility had you not shoved your apple-butt into my crotch. Shit so soft it bounced right off of me that I almost didn't give a fuck about the job I'm on."He spoke so fluently,so smoothly as if the words were coming straight from his libido through his mouth."I hate your kind Jaebeom. You and Taecyeon and your stupid smooth talking thinking that you can run the world with your charm-""Baby its not charm,its called chutzpah.."He let his minty breath blow over half of Junho's face while he got uncomfortably closer and closer."Appa this man is scaring me.."Falmeta whined."Its okay honey I won't let him touch you."Junho assured,holding the latter behind him in hopes that it would be enough to just force Jay to give up. Miracles do happen,right?"Oh you worried about me touchin' him?"He slurred,face nuzzling Junho's neck while he audibly took in a deep breath to just take Junho into his senses."You're the one I wanna touch,beautiful. I guess now I know why Taecyeon fucked up so bad. Your ass had me teetering on a fucking orgasm just from that one touch. Hahaha Jesus! You gonna let me cop a feel?"He opened his mouth widely and bit down onto the clammy flesh that was Junho's neck."A-aah.."He gasped,body jolting from the array of sensations short-circuiting his brain."A-appa!"Falmeta cried,tugging onto Junho's pants just to get him away. Anywhere. Just away from the scary man with dark eyes biting onto his neck like a vampire."G-get away from me!"With a new surge of strength and will to protest,Junho was charged by his son's cries that he'd started beating down onto Jay's chest just to get him away. It was completely and utterly futile,delaying the obvious to be honest. Jay only found it alluring to clasp onto Junho's troublesome hands and just pin them above his head,while he shoved his entire front into the small man so that they squished the little boy into the mirrored wall."D-daddy!!""Oh please no! Stop you're hurting him!"Jay only laughed so much that his eyes were tearing. So cultivated by this ..this everything that the entire situation just amped up his adrenaline and excitement all at once."Ohhh the excitement!"Jay hollered,"tell me how does it feel to have your daddy's beautiful but all up in your face? Hm!?"He laughed. Junho cried almost as loud as his son and only the devil could prolong such misery. He was probably in there with them,Satan,laughing just as diabolically as Jay and jacking-off like the sick prick he is. Oh such dark thoughts rippled through his mind already cooking up the nightmares he was to have for days. Where was Chansung now!? Why is it that even when he's there,he's never really there and Junho would just have to get himself out of more than sticky situations while holding tightly onto Falmeta's hand. Things would be so much easier to deal with if he were alone."Please not in front of him I beg of you..."He cried,drool dripping down onto Jay's shoulder while he hungrily consumed Junho's fleshy neck for all it was worth."He's just a little boy-""Who'll be doing the same thing one day. Why not let him learn from the best hm? I mean you never know what hits you 'till it happens. Look at me right now straight guy aching to get my cock buried deep inside another fucking man's ass."He chuckled while he slid one hand down the length of Junho's arm,then down his side,round to grope and squeeze his ass."Hhmmmm...oh god I knew I wasn't hallucinating.."He grind his hips into Junho groping his ass and scratching Falmeta's face mercilessly. Jay's hunger grew viciously he couldn't help chuckle at how right Taecyeon was to dread his arrival. It sucks to be considered the party-pooper but it was all goddamn worth it if this was what he got for fucking up procedure."Just a little taste.."He mumbled,sliding his hand lower to the back of Junho's thigh before he lifted his leg up and wrapped it around his own waist."My son ..please you're hurting my baby!""Oh god I'm so horny ..just a little taste and I promise I'll finish the job.."He whispered to himself while rutting his tight groin into Junho."Wonder where's Taecyeon now ..wonder what he'd say if he found me reaping his bitch like this.."*Taecyeon chuckled while he stood behind one of the building's main pillars. Reloading his gun,he shook his head and cursed the night he'd let Junho slip from his fingers.Nickhun tried to think over his loud breathing,turned his head to face Chansung who sat beside him while they leaned their backs against the reception desk."You alright man?"Nickhun pried trying to shove away the hand Chansung used to clutch onto his shoulder."Y-you got hit!""Yahh..don't be going around putting my business out there! I'm fine Khun back off.."Chansung looked irritable while he shoved Nickhun's hand away from himself. He took his firearm back into his possession then jumped back up onto his haunches and turned around to take a peek over the table surface. A shot was fired at him but his quickly ducked back down to safety."Those guys a shooting blindly,which could actually be a lot more dangerous than them having their vision restored."Chansung muttered while he adjusted his night-vision goggles."Should I be worried about why you have all this stuff?"Khun looked up to the latter who'd just shot Taecyeon in the stomach,grabbed Nickhun and dragged him to safety. To his advantage,the sound of Chansung's gun blasting startled Taecyeon's goons to shoot wildly in the black,and take each other out while they were at it."Then you should also worry about who I really am and if Chansung is my real name."He retorted standing up straight to take out three heads before he ducked down again."Khun I gave you a gun and fucking goggles. Don't make me regret risking my ass and saving you.""I'm sorry I'm sorry,"he cocked his given gun and held it firmly in his hands."I'm just taken aback about how things are turning out."He jumped up and shot a few heads before ducking down just as Chansung had a few moments ago."Well can you be taken aback later? Taecyeon's trying to shoot the door open and we can't let him out!"He snarled,cursing at Taecyeon's perfect position while he shot at the door that had locked upon the power being taken out."N-nickhun!"Both Nickhun and Chansung turned to see a lithe figure crawl across the floor covered with rubble and shattered glass."Woo?"Nickhun whispered,holding his arms out so that the later could jump into his embrace."Woo where's Junho and the kid?"Nickhun pulled Wooyoung away from his body and shook him."Woo!?""Khun I was so scared I thought you were hurt or even worse,I thought you were dead Khun and I was so scared.."He cried,forcing Nickhun to calm and just pull him into yet another tight unforgiving hug. Wooyoung didn't need to breath right now. It was alright. As long as he could just melt into his lover's arms while it rained of gunpowder bullets and debris from the shattering ceiling. Nickhun pulled him away to look deep into his wavering sparkly eyes before he pulled him in once again to press their lips against each other and just smolder one another with love and pain and whatever it was they felt when they thought of one another."I'd hate to ruin the romance,well..not really,but I have to anyway. Taecyeon's out and we're pretty much cornered so Woo,I'm gonna need you to grab a gun."Nickhun's eyes doubled in size even from behind the goggles."No fucking way man."He warned,shoving away the firearm Chansung was trying to hand to Wooyoung."Keep that shit away from him.""Fine. But if he gets caught up in a one on one and we're not around,don't fucking hate me when they hand you the bullet they found in Wooyoung's head.""Don't say that!"Wooyoung yelled,well,more like cried."Nickhun's gonna protect me so why don't you go ahead and find Junho! While I ran back to your apartment to get a flashlight,people came in through your window while I hid. Chansung their up there too,and Junho's all alone!"Chansung cussed and got up without giving it a second thought."Chansung!"Nickhun tried to reach out for him but it was too late. He ran and disappeared amidst the smoke and dust floating above their heads like clouds,while Nickhun cussed and kept his arm tightly wrapped around Wooyoung's back.*"Oh come on ..please? Call me oppa please?"Jay jutted his bottom lip out in an attempt to pout with displeasure. Junho turned away from him and clenched his eyes tightly while trying to block out the sounds of his son's choked screams."No!"He exclaimed,"not in front of my son!"Jay huffed then stepped back away from Junho for the first time since they were locked in the elevator together. He scratched his head then looked down at the sappy face hidden behind the thick glorious thighs he just wanted to get between and have them rub on his hips while he thrusts and fucks and plows like there's no tomorrow."Fine.."He sighed,"you fucking asked for it.."Junho was confused about what exactly that meant. He watched as Jay pull on the double couch placed on the side of the elevator,to put it in the center and climbed up on top of it. He reached up and pushed open the emergency exit and nodded with content."Ayt. Come then oh little Falmeta,the boy who sold for ten million euro's."Junho's eyes bulged from his head."W-what!?"He croaked. His son had already been sold without his knowledge for such a heavy ransom by a guy who had to be a foreigner."Why my baby!? There are so many orphans out there who look just like him!"He cried,pulling onto his son's leg while Jay lifted him up."Let go beautiful,or else I won't be able to hold my temper. And I'd hate to bruise that perfect little face of yours."He grunted,shaking Falmeta's little body while Junho tugged for dear life.It was futile. He lost his grip and next thing he knew,his son was being shoved up into the dark little opening while he screamed. Junho clawed on Jay's pants making him laugh."Well hold on there firecracker! They'll come off eventually."But in fact they came off then,and Junho seized the moment to sink his teeth deep into the solid thigh with no remorse or fear of swallowing blood. He'd play dirty if he had to. He wouldn't and in fact,didn't hold back.Jay rather,was not amused with the little tactic at all. Already unstable prior to their meeting,he snorted unhumanly and kneed Junho in the face,causing the latter to fall back into the far corner and hit the back of his neck. His head pulsed as if his heart had hiked all the way to his skull. Numbing his senses and motor skills all at once. He fell down onto his side while the tiny voice bellowing died out,leaving a painful silence which meant his son was out there alone. In the dark of cold steel,metal and unforgiving loneliness."I guess its just you and me now.."Jay hummed while his tall figure jumped down from the couch."Gonna call me oppa now?"*Chansung's fingers tightened around either side of the AK47 being shoved up into his throat. Taecyeon's nose touched his while a trail of blood ran down his face like a crimson scar."Play time is over Chansung. Where. Is. Junho?"Taecyeon growled,pressing the metal into Chansung's throat while his feet left the ground."I'd rather choke on my dad's dick than give Junho to y-you."Chansung mustered all the strength he had to spit into Taecyeon's face. White thick and foul,Chansung's froth ran down Taecyeon's dirty face in the slowest motion that Chansung was dying to just laugh out loud."How about you choke on my dick instead hm?"Chansung's eyes darkened with emptiness at the lewd town and determination painted onto Taecyeon's face. He was shoved into the ground in flash and in no time,he was wrestling to keep his arms free from the cable Taecyeon was tangling around his wrists."F-falmeta?"Chansung stopped moving all at once. And so did Taecyeon. Ears perked and on alert for any other sound,they waited and listened for the distinct voice of a screaming little boy."Appaaaa! Don't hurt my appa please!""Falmeta!"Chansung struggled to get out from underneath Taecyeon."Fuck,its Jay!"Taecyeon huffed,leaving Chansung studded when he willingly got off of him and just ran into the darkness. After seconds of just staring lifelessly,Chansung was shook out of his trance by the continuous high-pitched screaming and crying that turned his blood cold. God be damned to allow fate to take such a turn. He too ran into the darkness to seek his beloved family.*"Look at what you made me do to your face.."Jay tsked and roughly squeezed onto Junho's chin,turning him to the left so that he could get a better view of the deep cut running diagonally across Juho's nose."But you were hurting my b-baby.."Junho cried. Really cried. So painfully that even Jay found it to be most disturbing and just wanted Junho to stop."Sh-shhh..don't do this beautiful. I just wanted to make you happy. Spare your son the sight of his father being completely taken by a strangely good looking man."He chuckled,face quickly turning from concerned to malevolent within seconds,that he had to be a mad man for sure. No doubt. A fucking loony."Please don't cry,I just want to see you happy."He stated,sitting up so suddenly that Junho had fallen from the loss of support. With his cheek pressed against the cold floor,he watched as Jay lean over and drag his bag across the floor. He opened it and pulled out a green kit box with a red cross drawn on the top."You know,I make all my bitches happy,"Jay went on,pulling out a cotton pad and bottle of antiseptic."You don't really want Taecyeon do you? I mean we both know how controlling he can be. To the point of where he keeps you on lockdown like a fucking slave or something."Jay chuckled to himself while he helped Junho up onto his feet. Dizzy,the latter felt as if he were floating in a pool of toxic while his body was lifted and rested onto the hard couch that had to be made out of wood and a thin layer of fluff. All he could think about while his eyes slowly blinked fixated on the ceiling of the elevator,was his son all alone and cold probably cursing his life to hell.Oh what a happy life it was supposed to be. That's what adoption meant,right? That you'd be taken away from the barrens you were born into to lead a happy fulfilled fruitful life filled with nothing but cherry-pie. Some pie this was. Junho surely was a bad cook. He thought to himself.Jay's face blocked his view from the metal keeping him and his son apart. With a while ball of fur approaching his face,Junho winced when the wetness stung his nose so mercilessly that he could taste it in his mouth."Shh..sorry about that. This is a little strong I know. Its for the bullet wounds and knife stabs,you know? Things guys like me have to treat on a regular basis."Jay muttered more to himself than to Junho who just laid there still and clenched his fists to bare with the pain."I've even dreamed about drinking the stuff,to heal the wounds in my chest."'Oh god here goes the therapy session..'Junho thought to himself while Jay dabbed on him gently."I was bought for more or less the amount that was paid for your son,but my owner was a fucking nut job."He chuckled,oblivious to Junho's shocked expression."Y-you were also taken from your family?"Junho cleared his voice while he forced himself to sit up."Well yeah."Jay chirped as if it were the most obvious thing in the world."We all were,even your precious Taecyeon was bought for about 850k. Didn't he tell you about the organization?"He chuckled rather amused with his findings."Its a fucking cycle,beautiful. They buy special boys like me,your son and Taecyeon to fuck around until our asses literally piss shit,"he laughed,"then give us back to the organization after fucking twenty somewhat years,that's if you haven't committed suicide yet,to scout out our replacements. That's pretty much the billion dollar cycle baby!"Really. He was insane. Or rather damaged,in Junho's opinion."And that's what their going to do ..to my son..."Blankness and emptiness grew into a void of emptiness that ate on Junho's insides. It all finally maked sense and now ...now Junho wish it didn't. Wished it was some kind of a sophisticated everyday kidnapping scenario that he prayed it wasn't in the beginning. And now here was these men all damaged and probably scattered around the world to just ruin its gentleman population and burn it down to dust. Chansung could have been one of them for all he knew,considering his shady past and unstable sense of irresponsibility and wildness. Ruler of the world sense of living to the point where he'd convince Junho to hold their wedding in a fucking desert.But that was besides the point,or maybe it wasn't. The important thing was the tears running down Junho's face while a hand slid up his thigh. Lips pressed onto neck so gently,it seemed out of place and just,odd.This was rape and rape is wrong and grievous. This was against Junho's will even though he didn't protest or utter a word of defiance against the other's progressions. Perhaps he felt pity for the male who possessed such overwhelming ..everything. His presence in general,said tormented and desperate. As the hot lips scorched every inch of his shoulder that was exposed,he couldn't help let his mind wonder to his past encounters with Taecyeon. Sex with Taecyeon. How possessive and controlling he was. How he seeked dictatorship with every move,touch and kiss they ever shared."Poor baby.."He whispered,running his fingers through Jay's hair while he blankly stared into nothingness. Feeling rather prejudice,maybe he had all along been given the role as that dent in the chain that was meant to shatter this long line of a heinous tradition that was obviously beyond his time. Taecyeon had fallen for him and it was during this time,that he was supposed to meet the other half way and pull him back to the ground.Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe after this,there would still be some way to fix this mess once and for. Maybe not for every poor soul involved but just one person would be a start. It would hurt Chansung,definitely. But that would just be a stepping stone of what had to be done and that was that."A-aaah.."He sighed,breathing heavily and constricted while his cardigan slipped off his arm,leaving his back to fall seamlessly down onto the cold black leather beneath him. And just like he would do for the others,he'd try to save Jay. Here and now,even though it could hurt,he was somebody's son who was taken away,and would like to wish that someone would also sacrifice himself to save his son if things don't turn out as he'd hoped.So sad. It was all so sad. Jay called him beautiful every chance he got,while he painted his chest with butterfly kiss and mysterious flicks of the tongue,so chaste it hurt because all of the confusion it elicited."Just ..just kiss me Jay.."He whispered,pulling up the other's head so that he could look him in the eye. See the pain he bared for him and so many others like him. A dissatisfied streak shown in Jay's eyes,something Junho didn't miss."Don't."He said,"don't look at me like that!"And with that being said,he got up onto his knees and roughly flipped Junho over onto his stomach and shoved his face into the armrest. Junho didn't emit a sound,only a whimper of discomfort and that was it."Why won't you scream damnit!? Why won't you cry like your son? What the fuck happened?"Junho remained silent,yearning that kiss that if he got the opportunity of having,he'd absolutely put his all into conveying the courage Jay would need to just ..to just,get out. Hopefully."Scream damn it! Fight me! Do something,I'm about to hurt you for fucks sake! Take a piece of you that you'll never get back!"Jay ripped at his pants and clawed at his hind. Leaving swollen red streaks along the tender skin of Junho's thighs. It hurt. And it hurt so bad,Junho cried and screamed in the depths of his mind. Or maybe not. Maybe he was screaming out loud and writhed and shook against Jay's heavy body pressing down onto his. Maybe that's why his throat burned,why Jay wasn't yelling at him but rather,calling him beautiful once again."Yeah fuck that's it right there! Say oppa for me Junho-yah!"And he was indeed screaming. Not that he wanted to,but rather because,well,it hurt. The spanking the biting and scratching."Shhh..don't scream so loud,you're only frightening your son."Stating the obvious much? Junho was very well aware of his surroundings and the situation at hand. But he was also aware of his sanity thinning away with every burning kiss that would leave a field of flowers or bruised across his back for him to hide tomorrow."J-jay ...aahh Jayngh.."He brought his hand up to his face to scratch onto the tight material he just couldn't seem clench. Jay was relentless with his mouth,and seemed to ease into a state where all he wanted to do was taste. Taste and lick Junho and all he had to over,kissing the dimples on the small of his back."Oh god you taste so good..."He groaned,grinding down on Junho's calve resting between his thighs. Sweet friction begged to be given attention,but so did the seam of Junho's ass that resembled a trail leading to forbidden treasures that even Jay was hesitant to venture to. But he just had to. Needed to. He could already catch the scent of what was hidden just a little lower from where he was and Junho's moans did nothing but urge him on."Mmmf-fuck Junho what the fuck'you made of?"The thought of Junho being a hybrid of angel and man played on Jay's mind. He couldn't help the absurd thoughts because damn,he was high on Junho's everything that it was alright to think like a fucking prune."Mmm..haa haa ..oppaaangh.."Jesus. It was a done deal signed with blood and Jay was definitely going in. He leaned up while he squeezed each cheek in his hands,spreading them then squeezing both globes together,Junho clenched his eyes at the chilling sensation and tingle numbing his entire ass. Jay breathed heavily with anticipation,not yet allowing himself to truly see where he truly wanted to be."Come on Jay.."He cheered himself on,heart racing at 250m/ph when he spread'em wider and wider after squeezing them together."O-oppa...s-so good.."Junho cooed,sounding as absent minded as a teenager experiencing an intense wet dream that would leave his sheets soaking and dripping. But instead of grunting like a teenage boy rutting into the mattress,Junho was being given an immense amount of pleasure that he writhed as if he didn't want his own body. So strange,Jay studied this phenomenon new to him and licked his dry lips moist when he lowered his gaze back down to the line between Junho's perfect,delicious behind.And there it was. Pink and puckered and so small that Jay wondered if something so little could ever take him and all of him."Oh god it looks so good.."He groaned hoarsely from the depths of his throat."And so tasty too.."He added,subconsciously lowering until he could breathe all of Junho into his senses."O-oppa! What are you doing?"Junho stammered when the alien sensation of a hot and wet textured silhouette lapped down onto his twitching hole."Anticipation? You like it when I taste you there don't you?"Junho breathed slowly and with his mouth,his wet forehead pressed down onto the sticky leather while he faintly shook his head side to side. Denying the fact that someone so inexperienced could make him feel so good that it was mesmerizing."Well I like it when I taste you..."He said,"because you don't taste like anything I've ever eaten."Chuckling,he dipped his head in once again and relished the surprised gasp Junho emitted,or rather,choked out. He sucked on that nub as if nectar was supposed to seep out from it,dipping his tongue in now and then to tease himself a little. Deny himself his definite new addiction that had him cussing at the tightness of his jeans."I can't do this anymore,"he croaked out as if he'd been restrained all along,"my cock wants in and I can't fucking tell it otherwise."And as if it were true,Jay ran his hands up the expanse of Junho's littered back,causing the smaller to wince now and then,pressing his entire front down onto Junho's back."We fit ..s-so perfectly together,"Jay groaned,unable to sustain his urge to just dry-hump the shit out of Junho's damn perky ass. Junho tried his best to conceal his voice. It boiled in his blood and shoved against his lips to be released,motivated by the friction of having his lower regions pressed into the couch."Shit I'm leaking so hard,I'm wetting my pants."Jay chuckled when he hastily sat up and pulled off his bullet-proof gear. With nothing but his muscle beater on,he shuddered when he nestled his rigid cock down between Junho's red ass nicely revealed by the generous dim emergency light."O-oh ..oppa.."He sighed,feeling every single thick vein running down the length of the rod sliding up and down his crack,leaving a trail of pre-cum along the damp skin of his seam."All that meat just for you,jagiya."He chuckled while he got up onto his knees and flipped Junho over once again. He gave the latter a knowing look while he slid the remains of Junho's pants off his legs."Give me that look and you'll fucking pass out."He said,lifting Junho's right leg over his shoulder while he wrapped the other around his waist."Aren't you going to..p-prep me?"He stammered,rather horrified when the slick blunt tip pressed against his clenched entrance."Nope,this is still forced. Its just that you're pretty,and my first boy,so I won't pull your hair or choke you like my previous ventures."He smirked,rutting his tip against the wrinkled skin that covered a stubborn muscle clenched for dear life."But I will bleed!"He cried,grasping tightly onto the skin of Jay's lower back."Then I'll try to make it feel good-""It will hurt so bad,oh Jay just three fingers I beg you! I'll suck you off in the mean time,just stretch me out please!"Jay's brow twitched in an unnatural frantic manor. He was doing that thing again where his face displayed an inner battle between fire and ice. The glitch fucking up his system so bad,that plunged his cock in all the way balls deep into Junho's tight constricted tunnel."Aaaaaahnn!"He bellowed,so loud that Jay laughed and laughed so hard he'd lost track of his body and just began fucking the life out of Junho's unprepared hole."J-junho!"Chansung felt his insides flip and fuck up his colon that it burst along with his gal-bladder.Well,that's what it felt like. When Junho's sharp scream cut through his ear like a dagger,he drove his injured shoulder into the metal door and felt nothing for the limb that was sure to fall off. When he charged for what would be the second time,someone else reached the door before he did but with a leg this time."Jay I'm going to fucking kill you!"Taecyeon barked,stepping back to aim his gun to the door then released fire as if his finger was having seizures."Fucking stop you idiot! You'll shoot Junho!"Chansung pulled Taecyeon back until he stopped with a rather rough huff and shook him off."Aaahn! Oh god! PLEASE!! STOP!"Both Taecyeon and Chansung stopped with their little confrontation to stare and the dented doors. Simultaneously,they both charged at the barrier keeping them from rescuing Junho from the excruciating agony he was going through."I swear on my life I'm going to kill you!"Jay pays no mind to voiced booming outside from the steel standing between them. All he can see,feel,is Junho's beauty. Junho was clawing at the body hovering over his own. His swollen wide eyes looking up at Jaywith solid fear. Jay could see the old dry tears on his face covered by the new streams that were creating an obvious rash on those beautiful cheeks."Stop it!"He rasped,"stop crying like that jagiya."He spits,while Junho coughed and snorted profusely,and it does nothingto make him look less beautiful.Junho whined when Jay tilted his face upwards with a tight grasp on his chin,he leans in realclose to Junho's ear,making sure to brush his lipsover the soft little hairs standing on attention with every unsynchronized rut of his hips."Ch-channie..."Junho whines,knuckles aching from all the back scratching that only seemed to spur on his abuser to the point of no return."Don't bother calling for him. You'll only fill him with guilt that he's not here,that he's never here,and that will kill him even after I take you with me."Fresh tears sprang from Junho's eyes and seeped down to wet his hair. Jay chuckles internally.Perhaps externally too, but he can’t tell.He reaches between them for Junho's limp member,but Junho is thrashing soerratically he can't get anything done even with a goddamn iron fist.He yanked Junho off the couch and to the ground,irritated now,slipping out from him while the smaller tossed and turned relentlessly with a set of bran new lungs to scream with. He didn't comprehend know Junho would be sohard to handle when given the chance. Though it really turned himon,he knew he didn't have all the time in theworld,so he shoved Junho's legs open wide and swallowed his entire member."Ha-aaah!"Junho arched his back. He sucked on it tight,squelched sounds resonating around the confinements,and grimaces when Junhowhimpered in pain. Maybe he wasn't doing it right. Maybe he didn't really care.Junho swallowed his cries, forcibly channelingmost of his discomfort into shivering. Jay hummed with satisfaction.With a loud pop,he released Junho's still flaccid member from his mouth.He picked Junho's upper body up and tossed him over the edge of the couch. Looking down at his perfectly curved ass press onto his hip.Perfect and mesmerizing and pale and,just perfect. Ready for him once again. Summoning him.Junho shuddered jerking away from his fingers touching here and there on the splatters of wetness. Surprised,Jay hadn't even noticed that he'd came. Or maybe it wasn't his semen. It was too dark.'But I will bleed!'The words echoed within his head when he opened his mouth into a perfect 'O'. Nodding,it was all clear now. He understood why Junho jerked away from his touch,as if he were venom to his species of flower. Whelping into his knuckles as quietly as possiblewhen Jay slid his fingers down caress the exposed pucker clenching and unclenching releasing fluids as it did so. He'd like to savor the moment,he'd like to touch every expanse of skin he could reach and engrave itinto his mind so that he could create a sculpture of Junho's body with his eyes closed. But alas,he had no fucking time totouch it all. Maybe later,after slaying every sound that protested against him walking out with Junho hand in hand.Junho was still strangling his noises andbiting down into the skin of his knuckles to muffleany rebel squirms,shaking as if he had no more heat in hisbody and was at the brink of hyperventilating.Jay leaned down and spread him apart with hishands gently pressing on his inner thighs. Obsessed,he pushing his tongue against to the ring of muscle and lapped leisurely at the bleedingopening. It didn't taste any less mind numbing,and actually helped silence the thudding inflicted against the doors and profuse profanity yelled out as if there's no tomorrow. Hetasted so good and fuck,if he could resist the urgeto bite down on the delicate flesh,then he bloody hell deserved to fuck that ass for all eternity. Junho would still be there,stillspread out so deliciously and ready for him.Junho's felt his knees weaken really badly,sliding down a little. Jay had to push him up with his face,tongue reaching knew depths the sensation had Junho keening. He even started pleading and automatic whispers of "No's","please s-stops!" And "Channie!"His limbs jerked at the sensation of random numbing pleasure that coarsed through his body like lightning bolts. A strange muscle obliviously pressing against his sweet spot unintentionally. Oh the beauty of pain and pleasure's relationship. Junho couldn't tell the difference and could feel it all at once. He twitched under Jay'stongue,feeling so very,very sensitive.With a loud and lewd slurp,Jay licks his way up halfway Junho's back then suddenly,reappears with his nose pressed against the nape of Junho's neck,the head of his member pushing at thequivering entrance so urgently to grind and get the fuckinside that tight space again because he yearned itso bad."Ohhhh-sh-shhit.."Jay shuddered at the array of static-like sensations hitting his pulsating member from the anticipation alone. He could just bluntly rub his tip against Junho's ass and get off from that alone and that would be fine.Ok. Not really,but it was a thought.And just as before,out of instinct to deny being invaded,Junho clenched his spincher for dear life while he drooled on the couch surface. A silent cry that could only be identified with one look to his face. Wet bangs sticking against his forehead drenched with perspiration,it was safe to say that Junho looked like shit."Jagiya,you look so beautiful like this. Do ..do you want me to ever stop?"Jay's tone was both playful and deadly,playing with Junho's mind while he pushed against the tight entry."Ngh...aaaahn...aaaahh! Aah! Jay n-no! Aaaaah!"What started out as a silent scream,turned out to be a deathly howl. Not finding the screaming and love making to be a sweet blend,Jay covered Junho's mouth with his palm and pushed in the final inches to be fully seated inside the wonderful heat that felt and tasted so good! Junho was biting at hispalm on reflex,releasing loud painful screamsthat partly slipped through jay's fingers every time Jay loses his composure and fucks at such brutal speeds,that every thrust was a blow knocking air clean out of Junho's lungs. Poor latter could barely accumulate air to mewl anymore. Loudest collisions of skin slapping against skin,Jay leaned back and watched Junho swallow him whole then release his obliviating girth with a dark paintjob that smeared all over his front and pubes as if he were fucking raw meat. It's a fucking glorious sight and it made him want to cum so hard. Explode maybe. He felt that have probably prepped the younger on request,but he doesn't care. Junho was swallowing hisdick again and again and that's all that mattered."Your head!! I'm going to have ..YOUR FUCKING HEAD!!!"Jay could hear the tears behind that empty promise. So minuscule,he wanted to laugh. He released Junho's mouth to howl into the metal as much as he wanted,compensating bythrusting fully into him that he felt Junho clench instantly around his dick andrelease a horrifying cry of pain."J-junho?! FUCK!! Junho pleeeease! J-just hang in there!!"Chansung yelled from the otherside of the door,banging on it successively and even more loudly as if it were actually possible for him to take it down. Junho nodded slightly to himself,as if Chansung was there to see him take his instructions so well and just ..and just held on.Jay chuckles at the thought of Taecyeon's face. He was being awfully quiet although he could still hear his body collide with the door.He pulled out and plowed back in,Junhoscreaming in agony and releasing hitched sobs."Ch...Ch-chansungh..."he cried,his face meshed into the wet black leather."JUNHO!"The banging only gets louder. It getsinsanely loud. It's annoying Jay and it's so fucking persistent! Chansung didn't havethe fucking decency to accept that Junho wasn't his anymore and that he had lost and should just give jay some fucking privacy to enjoythe fruits of this perfect bubble-butt before him."Yoboseyo! Oh,its you?"Jay chuckles quietly,but loud enough for Chansungto hear,still trying not to sound too spentor high on excitement either."Junho can't come to the door right now,he's currently bent over the couch!"The banging and shouting stopped for about a fewseconds. He shrugs then continues thrusting into the tight heat whilebeautiful repetitions of Chansung's nameaccompanied loud cries. Partly,he wished that hecould see the look on both Taecyeon and Chansung's faces at that moment. Itwould be the fucking climax of the show!Then the door gets hit so hard that he actually got startled,cussing while he wondering how Chansung had that kind ofstrength in him."I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! FUCKING SHRED YOU INTO NOTHING BUT FLESH YOU HEAR ME!!? OH GOD I'M GOING TO RELISH ON YOUR FUCKING PAIN YOU JUST WAIT!! I'LL FUCK YOU SHITLESS WHILE YOU DIE TOO!!!"Wow. Holy cow.Chansung was probably a bit more than ticked off about him fucking Junho lifeless. Probably. Just a little ticked off."Haha! Too fucking damn late! He's fucking worshiping my cock! Bouncing on it and looking cuter than fucking Bambi!"Jay yelled out with a maniacal laugh,knowing very well that he was churning Chansung up in the worst way possible. Havoc be rain now! It was the goddamn apocalypse and everyone'sfucking going to hell! As Jay yells this out,Junho's sobs increases tenfold,his ringing voice echoing loudly off the mirrored walls. The banging on the door increaseas if the entire complex's residence was banging on it now,andJay assumed that Chansung was seriously trying to break it down. He was doing a great job,actually. For a FUCKING HUMAN!He wondered what would Chansung do to him if he ever got inside. Probably wouldn't hesitate to kill him. The thought aroused him beyond normality."Come on,moan for me."Junho cried so hard,futilely trying to twist hisbody away,but he was so weak."N-no...please..." he sobbed,his cries reverberating off the mirrors loudly.Jay rolls his eyes a keeps going. He faintly heardcurses,vows to kill him and descriptions on how it would be done,Junho's name,hisname,and an array of other bloody things. Hewas astounded that Chansung even has a voice left,even had the energy to try and break down a fucking steel door!With every howl,every cry and mewl Junhoreleased,Chansung's yells became louder and moredeeper and overpowering until the decibels weretruly inhumane.The opening on the top of the elevator opens,and Falmeta's cries could be heard once again."Jay! You're dead!"Junho thought he could hear the sound of Taecyeon roaring. But he could hear Jay chuckle against his ear too. So vile,it didn't mean anything good. Junho would have warned Taecyeon,had he had the life in him to do so. But could do nothing when he felt the loss of scorching heat,and heard the gun go off with a brain-splitting bang.Jay was laughing out loudly. Taecyeon's voice silent."Oh g-god.."He was dead. Jay had shot him dead. With his dead body was his little boy,screaming so ratchedly. In just hours this man had taken so much from him.Yet,he pitied him still. The truth hurts.___________________________________________________A/n...hey guys! Missed me?And then I return with a friggin nasty chapter,I'm sooo sorry! Lol,I've read very gruesome things lately,I guess this is why this thing was born. Yes,Taecyeon is dead,and the next chapter is the last. Sorry for ending this on such a bad note,lol(>.<)"Sorry for taking soOoooo long to update,I don't even have an excuse,and sorry for the typo's,grammar errors and spelling mistakes. This was too long to proof read.^^So yeah,comment and sub you guys,thanks for sticking with this story!<3