• Yixing thinks that Oh Sehun will make a nice boyfriend.But Sehun loves Mr Kim.And Mr Kim loves Sehun.And Yixing finds himself drawn to Mr Kims smiles and possessiveness towards Sehun.He wallows in mi...
  • Jongdaes patience is tested when his housemates try to help him confess to Minseok. Forewordcurrently in private mode as this is an entry for chenceforxiu @ Livejournal, however, its been a while now...
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  • Dos únicos herederos de tierras que deberán pelear. No sólo las tierras del reino están en juego, también la mano del joven Luhan.  ForewordLo siento es sólo un one-shot, two-shot ahora que Luna  sig...
  • Im always right behind you ,, see trough your back when youre sad.Im always right beside you ,, see your every smile when youre happy.But you ,, you cant get to see what I feel ,, when Im always righ...
  • Tao didnt know what he was fighting for. He didnt know who he was fighting. He barely knew who he was. All he knew was that he was missing memories of someone special and he needed to fight to get th...
  • To love someone takes word and dedication.To love someone takes pride and joy.To be loved is an entirely different story. Foreword Tao loved Kris.Tao cared for Kris.Tao was there for Kris in his time...
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