Two best friends are forced to break apart.After two years, things still havent changed (miraculously).Siwon secretly loves his best friend, but shes leaving completely. What happens next? ForewordH...
Weve been missing our lovely OTP so much right? And the only event we had our hopes up was this years MAMA but unfortunately, both of them didnt attend. My delusional mind just gave me an idea to wri...
ONE MORE TRYby: shikshiin407*A short tale of love, sacrifice and choice* Choi Siwon"Im not making you happy anymore. Im only hurting you." Choi Sooyoung"I just wish you remember me after this ends....
Kim Jongwoon has always been overshadowed by his elder brother. Everything his brother does is perfect and for many years he had fought to be in the spotlight but after a long battle, he finally gave...
Hai~! SO this is my first fanfic, so I hope youll enjoy! If you like it feel free to subscribe <3And please dont be shy~ If you have a comment or question please comment or message me and I wi...
This story is dedicated to my RP friend. Sorry for the late post of this story, you already know the reason behind that. BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And I hope that the SooWon fans will appreciate this ...
i knew i had been writing a new story again and again even though i havent completed the older story.. yeah, im just searching for a new inspirationI hate my life. i just really hate it.CHARACTERS:Si...