• Do Kyungsoo had enough. He tried to understand everything for JongIn, but everything that he do, everything were like useless. He cant understand JongIn anymore. The old JongIn that he used to love i...
  • He wasnt well, and she didnt understand why. He was supposed to be happy, they both were. After that day, but hes not. He was sick. But what can she do? Theyre no longer a part of each others life. F...
  • what if you are misunderstoood by your own love ?? and because of that misunderstanding you feel like wanting to die... .and will you forgive him if he returns back whenever his misunderstanding clea...
  • One is being sent to a mental institution. One is chasing the other. And one is left alone being the bystander. The bystander is telling the story from her point of view.  Foreword....... And he leav...
  • ...
  • Yongguk has a hard time finding the words to say to his first love and attempts to write out his feelings to hopes of figuring out the best say to say what he has started feeling.    ForewordWhat do ...
  • You, you loved him. You cared for him. You cared ABOUT him. Park Chanyeol.Just because of time, an awful curse, you both drifted apart. Your time together has come to an end. And heres how it happene...
  • Kyuhyun and Sungmin decide its time to end the KyuMin era...  ForewordAfter hearing that Sungmin claimed to have moved into his own room on his radio show with Ryeowook, I decided to write a very sho...
  • i hope you are happy Forewordhello guys im doing a part two of this story, please wait for it ;) ...
  • "This is it... Our love ends here." Foreword(c) March 27, 2013. itzailee ...
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