Donghae brokes with Hyukjae. He is devastated for losing him, slowly, but surely, another man appears, melting Hyukjaes heart, showing him real love exist. Hi! --waves hand--.I hope you read this be...
morning routine for Sungmin small and happy family~~ Forewordim so desperate... lol im really done with my life.... sucks description hahaha
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Snow White is a princess living with her stepmother, a vain and wicked queen who assumed to have taken over the kingdom after the death of Snow Whites father. Fearing...
Hyoyeon still remembered how Hyukjae used to laughShe still remembered what made him smileShe sure still remembered how she used to feel when he was aroundShe remembered everythingAnd when Hyoyeon fo...
You and Hyukjae have been dating for 4 years now, you knew him even before he turned famous. You had always trusted that he would be the Hyukjae you know even after he became famous, little did you k...
Kyuhyun wants to go public with their relationship and Eunhyuk is a tad bit reluctant but finally agrees. ForewordMy usual drabble...hehehe...a kyuhyuk of course since im severely missing the skinsh...
Lee Sena: falls in love with eunhyuk. Is actress and chairman of YG technology. Best friends with Kang Sora. Eunhyuk: member of Super Junior. Likes Sena but cant forget about his past. Kang Sora: bes...
Its been three years since Ive been married to Eunhyuk. I can still remember how brightly he smiled as he waited for me at the end of the long aisle, clothed in white, standing in the middle of a bea...