New ones and Rash ones (1/1)

"Mmmmm,curse you Choc-chip.."Junho savored the creamy texture as he soothed the thickness onto his tongue pressing the metal utensil onto his muscle. He felt a drop of syrup trail down his lip as he took another mouthful,licking up the rebellious strand in one sensuous lick from bottom lip to top."Witchcraft? I should probably stop eating this."Junho jumped at the coarse deep voice that strained with what could have been fatigue or an overflow of musk. Junho glared into the dark orbs that granted themselves to basically devour his saliva slick lips. His lip twitched into a faint grin as he shifted his gaze down onto a cup of Choc-chip mouse the other had in his possession.Junho's eyes slowly cast down onto the thick contents of the large porcelain cup. His pupils shrunk as they followed up the bright glistening tan hand that gripped ever-so-firmly on the cup. He blinked a few at the exaggerated pattern of protruding veins that trailed all the way up to the apex that was his elbow."D-did I spill some on myself?"The man looked down pulling up at his T-shirt to look for a smudge,clearly missing the where Junho's eyes were focused. Junho's gaze was caught by something more enticing when the man exposed a fragment of his happy trail when his shirt raised higher."Uhm,n-no,you didn't spill anything on yourself. I was just looking at..."Junho's cheeks tinted slightly red,unable to come up with a valid excuse as he felt the mans' intense glare."You were looking at,my muddy clothes. Weren't you?"Junho's eyes shot back up to the man eyes after getting distracted once again by the others dark sweaty skin."Y-yeah,uhm,"he scratched the back of his head."Why are you muddy anyway?"He tried to look at something other than the man who looked at him so intensely,a little ant on the bench was good enough."Mud fight with some kids. Haha,you've gotta love little critters."The mans' deep chuckle overpowered the ants attractiveness,as Junho looked straight back up into his eyes."You like children?""I love them! The innocence,genuine happiness. I mean,they're so carefree."Junho chuckled at his toothy grin."Honestly,I've been to Vegas enough times to get my fair share of hangovers and black-outs. Its time to share the fun with the people who really deserve having innocent 'sober' fun,don't you think?"There was a pause in silence. Junho's eyes began to slowly disappear behind his eye-smile."I'm guessing these kids are from an orphanage?"He beamed."Y-yeah,they are.""That's great,I also adopted a little boy from an orphanage. He's by far the best thing that's ever happened to me.""Oh really? That's amazing,what's his name?""Falmeta,he's precious."He couldn't help blush helplessly as he envisioned the little face."He's from Ethiopia. Me and my ex were married for a while and we decided to extend the family.""Your Ex? What happened?""He broke my heart. The man wasn't who I thought he was. Even though I desperately tried to keep it together for Falmeta's sake,it felt like there was a stranger in my bed."Junho's breath shuddered."So I finally broke it off,just recently actually. I couldn't live with someone I couldn't trust. Trust is a very big issue for me,you know?"Junho tried to smile a little. He didn't come here to sulk at his misfortune."No I don't know."He smirked at Junho's confused reaction."I mean,you just trusted me with personal things about you that you hold dearly in your heart. And you don't even know my name. You must 'really' trust me."He chuckled at his assumption."Oh god I'm so stupid,and so rude."He looked down into his lap."Oh no worries. Its funny. People find it so easy to confide in me."He chuckled softly."Maybe its my deep,poetic eyes,or gorgeous smile-""Or maybe its your big ears. They look like they're shouting 'I'm wide open!'"Junho chuckled as the man shoved him with embarrassment."Yah! Leave my plate ears alone!"They both looked at each other in silence before laughing themselves to tears."Ok Teacyeon,but you can call me Taec."He offered a hand."Lee Junho,but you can call me...I don't know,people tend to give me their own nickname according to who they see me as."He took the other's hand into a shake."Well I guess I'll have to get to know you so I can give you a name I find suitable for you huh?"Junho smirked at the others clear hidden suggestion."What are you implying,Teac?"He glanced down at the hands that were still casually holding each other."That we meet again tomorrow,same time,same place."He declared with confidence."And what makes you so sure that I'll be here tomorrow?""I'm not,but I trust you will."They exchanged a few meaningless chuckles without any words being said."Fine,where are we going tomorrow?"Junho folded his arms with declaration."An Arts Factory in Charleston Blvd. Then The Atomic Testing Museum. Have lunch then check out the Bellagio Gallery Of Fine Art or the Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Gardens. If we really hit it off tomorrow,the rest is a breeze."Teacyeon beamed with enthusiasm."Hmm yup,we'll definitely hit it off. You already had me at Arts Factory."Junho was surprised at his own forwardness."I knew you were the type. I'm really looking forward to it,Junho."They eyed each other once more before looking out to the beautiful fauna surrounding the bench,as if it were planned. Junho jumped a little at the rough vibration of his phone,he didn't know how to decrease the rough vibration intensity,he made a note to himself to check the manual later."Oh I'm sorry,I need to take this."He seemed a bit tense after reading the caller ID."Oh sure no problem. I need to go anyway,drying under mud is'nt the most comfortable sensation. I'll see you tomorrow?"Junho nodded with a smile."See you tomorrow."They walked in separate directions,the phone's vibration startling him once more from his gaze on the other's musculine back."Hello?""Junho-ah,I missed your voice so much."Junho rolled his eyes with a deep sigh."Chansung,what do you want?"He said plainly."I missed your voice Junho..."The other replied silently."I'm serious Chansung. If you want to talk to Falmeta,he's not with me at the moment.""I know."Junho raised his brows in surprise."Wooyoung told me that you're in Vegas.""Why would Wooyoung tell you that?"Junho rubbed his temples. It was a known fact that the two didn't get along."I think he was just trying to make me feel jealous,or something. But I have nothing but utter gratitude for your friend."He chuckled."Chansung-ah,please don't be rash.""Be rash,how so?"The way the other asked his questioned was soaked in ulterior motive,as if he already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from Junho's lips."Don't come here please,I need a break from everything...from you."The latter sighed."You left my son with a junkie,if you trust him that much then I deserve some kind of convincing. If you know what I mean.""Wooyoung is not a junkie Chansung-ah,and I'd rather leave Falmeta in his care than yours."Junho snorted."Keep talking like that and I might just do something rash."He threatened calmly."Chansung please d-""I'm sorry Nuneo,this is not why I called. For once, could we just have a calm conversation?"The other's voice had changed to sincerity. Junho sighed deeply on purpose so that the other could hear his frustration."Chansung,that's one of the million reasons why we're not together anymore. We can't have calm conversations."Junho's tone was steady."Fine,as long as I heard your voice. I'll see you tonight."Junho heard the other line cut before he could react. He blinked blankly into space trying to process the other's statement."No."He muttered to himself.'Chansung wouldn't come here,to Vegas. But then again,knowing the latter,he would.'______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Junho pulled out his laptop.He decided to get some work done since he had made it official to himself,that he would not partake in any night partying,gambling or any of that sort while here in the so-called 'Rack City'. It didn't make it any easier for him to be at total bliss when the tenants next door his suite,turned up electro-house music and started a party of their own. Junho could feel his fingers itch at the temptation of pulling his own hair out as loud thuds were inflicte on the wall right next to his bed. He decided to move over to the fluff comforter at the other side of the room ,but it didn't make any difference as he heard more people run down the passage to the said room. He had had enough. He stomped his feet harshly on the carpet before pausing in front of the door next to his. He took a deep calming breath before raising his hand and banging vigorously on the wood."Yeah yeah chill. What do you want?"A girl clad in her bloomers stood behind the door trying to remove her afro-wig from her eyes to see the guest."Where is the owner of this suite?"He demanded calmly."I'm the fucking owner, what do you wa-"her face froze. She stepped closer to Junho giving him a once-over after fixing her wig."Hmmm not bad."She smirked."You're very sexy aren't y-"He cut her short as he pushed past her and into the room. He was appalled at the skin grinding against skin. Eyes glaring at him hungrily as he shoved in through the living space advancing to the kitchen. He figured that the owner would be closer to where the alcohol was stored. And he was right.He tapped on the shoulder of the familiar back. The man turned to him and smiled cheerily."Hey neighbor. Come to join the rager?"He laughed at his own play of words."Actually,no. I came to ask you if you could tone it down a little."Junho folded his arms sticking out his hip with attitude. He mentally cursed at Wooyoung for spreading his attitude tendencies onto him."The only thing that should tone down,is your sass babe. While I pick up the volume."The man took an intimidating step closer towards Junho. Unphased by the man's attempt to come off as intimidating,Junho stood his ground."Well.. I'll just have to call security."Junho said nonchalantly as he turned his back. He felt a tight grip on his wrist as he was harshly turned a 180 into a hairy chest."I paid just as much as you did to do whatever the fuck I want!"The man's grip got tighter as his hot breath heated Junho's face."Let go of me! If you truly believed that then you won't mind me calling the guards!"He writhed and twisted in attempt to escape the grip."Let go of me!""I'll fucking break you kid! Just chill the fuck out and have a drink."The other had a glint of regret in his angry eyes as he was clearly trying to contemplate how to avoid trouble."Kid? Me? I'm fucking older than you,you douche-bag! I'm your hyung."The other's eyes bulged as he thoroughly scanned the smaller man's frame."No fucking way."A clear rejection of the fact.Junho took advantage of the other's confusion as he scanned him once more,and broke loose from the grip short of breath."If you don't tone it down in the next two minutes,I'll give you hell,okay?"Junho's words were more threatening than his fragile exterior as he rubbed the bruised wrist. He shot a grotesque glare at the man before turning to walk out the door.As soon as Junho's infuriated body collapsed exhausted on the bed,the music went up even higher than before,decibels actually causing the lights to flicker. Junho screamed wholeheartedly into the pillow."Stupid little motherfuckers aren't they?"Junho shot up into a sitting position at the all too familiar voice."Ch-Chansung-ah,what are you doing here?"Junho's eyes threatened to pop out if his sockets."Don't act so surprised Nuneo. You know I can't help being rash."He smirked deviantly._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/N.......Sooooo,authers note right? it!First of all I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read my second fic. Keep in mind that I'm still in my nappy here and I'm crawling (no shit hey,my puppy broke my desk so I'm using my bed as a desk,knees on a pillow and fries on my head..nah jk!)I'm trying my best to improve my grammer and sentence consrtuction and all that stuff (kinda why I'm soo engrossed in other amazing fics XD *epic.)For those of youzz that are patiantly waiting for my next update on the other fic I can't attatch a link to because I'm seriously wet behind the ears and know absolutely nada,lol I'm not suffering from writers block :'-D,I just like updating in several chapters because i hate suspence sooo it's like BOOM! there you go.*kekeke* Read that! Whatevs...Comment if you wanna and Subscribe cause you gotta!(haha nah I'm just playing XD)Hope you guys enjoy this fic,coz I'm enjoying just writing it....sumtymz('',)"