[M] Rash ones... (1/1)

WARNING!!This chapter contains adult material, I'd like to warn my sensitvie viewers. You can scroll down to the next line that dashes across the page. Dont worry, you won't get lost if you wish to skip...<3________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "H-how did you find me?"Junho's eyes followed Chansung as he walked over to the coffee table and poured himself a glass of whiskey."Junho,I'll find you anywhere in the world."He took a sip from the glass."Oh?"Junho's eye-brows raised."How would you accomplish that?"He asked with exaggerated interest."Like I just did. I smelt you out.""Did you now?"Junho's smirk conveyed disbelief."I can track even the slightest of your scent."He put down his glass and slowly approached Junho."Chansung,you're being rash. I trust that you realize that,right?"Junho began backing up as the other got closer. He stopped when he felt the bed touch the back of his knees."Trust?I swear that word Junho,is your grapple cable to life. You don't even realize that its what's pulling you down.""For a man I was married to for three years,it seems you don't know anything about me."Junho shuddered at the touch of the other as he cupped his cheek. Breath ghosting on Junho's face."You know that no one will ever know you like I do,touch you like I do,and have your trust like I do. Not even Wooyoung."Chansung's grin grew wider than his face. He could feel Junho tremble lightly at his caress on his cheek."Ch-chansu-""Shhhh..."Chansung lightly pressed a finger on Junho's plump lips,licking his own as he suppressed his desire to just take the smaller man roughly. He slowly eased his index finger down Junho's lips,and pressed his own down on them in the process. They remained motionless at the pressure,Junho's face flushed at the forbidden touch. Chansung felt Junho gasp on his lips as chills ran down the smaller's back. He lost all constraints at the display of fragility and devoured the plump parted lips. Junho got lost in the familiar bliss of licks and whiskey. He felt a tinge of temptation to fool around with the latter,like they use to. He bit onto Chansung's bottom lip,then sucked it into his mouth to soothe the pain. Chansung was surprised by the other's sudden spontaneous move,but went with it. Chansung soothed his hands down Junho's sides to his hips and pulled him roughly into his own body. Junho hiccuped as he bumped roughly into Chansung and chuckled."Hmm Junho-hyung,just like I can't resist your scent,you can't resist my touch."He kissed down Junho's chin as the other's head fell back slowly-exposing untainted milky flesh-as his mouth fell ajar. Chansung relished in the smooth texture and taste of slightly-sweet-slightly-salty skin pressing back onto his tongue. After gaining a few gasps from the other by nipping at the collar bone-peeking from the neck of Junho's shirt-Chansung plastered open mouthed kissed in a trail up to re-connect the swollen parted lips. Teasing Junho,Chansung dipped his tongue slightly between the desperately parted lips,only to retract his muscle, gaining a moan of complaint."Chansungaah..stop,playi-"Junho's eyes widened at the crash of pleasure. Knees shaking as Chansung interrupted Junho's desperate plea and plunged his tongue deep enough to graze over Junho's throat. At the very same time as his intrusion,Chansung gripped hard on Junho's volumptuos rounds and grinded his fully hard erection into Junho's semi-erect one."Chansungah-"Junho could only gasp deeply as the younger kneaded his ass while grinding 'hard' onto his body."Wooohooo!!!"A loud shout and hard thud was inflicted on the wall behind the bed-post once more,causing Junho to freeze and stone in utter fury. He was just about to turn towards the said wall when noticed Chansung had already beat him to it and punched the wall.Hard.Junho's eyes bulged in amazement as all the primate war-crys and raging music came to a halt."What the fuck man?!"Junho could hear the familiar voice fron behind the wall."Keep it the fuck down before I fucking EAT all of you horny hormonal shits!"Junho didn't know what turned him on more-the clenched jaw of the other,or the silence that followed his outburst."Oh just go to sleep old man!"And with that being said,the ruckus returned with a vengeance."Oh well,I tried."Chansung turned snapping his neck to the right in attempt to contain his anger. With the flash of light,Junho brisked across the bed and gripped on the youngers biceps."Chanana,the're just kids. Please calm down."He felt his blood pressure reduce drastically from a dangerous high at the mention of his nickname."Stay here with me,okay?"Junho caressed the others cheek softly. Chansung's intense glare softened to a implied grin."Let's see if we can top that noise,huh?"Junho could feel chills run down his spine from the deep voice. He gasped at the sudden motion as he was hoisted up onto the youngers waist,ankles hooking behind his back. Junho blushed at his own embarrassing yelp as fell back onto the bed with the other still on top of him."Chanana..."He breathed out heavily as the younger began to roll his hips with immense pressure."Say it again Junho-yah-"the other breathed out. Junho craned his neck so that he could lick the youngers ear lobe before whispering,"Ch-a-na-na bear,fuck me.."Whith that being said,realty became a hoax. Chansung's tuxedo blazer went flying, followed by his dress shirt. Junho made sure to leave his tie on to pull Chansung down into a desperate chaste kiss. Junho could hear the 'klink' of Chansung's belt as he lost contact of the pressure on him as, Chansung kicked his pants to the curb. Lips reconnecting as Junho's sweaty palms ate Chansung's chest as he rubbed down the perked nipples to the contracting abs. Chansung swallowed a struggled moan as he removed Junho's skin-tight shorts and briefs in one swift move."You went commando Chanana,where's your underwear?"Junho managed to breathe out as the younger sucked bruises onto his supple neck."I stopped wearing those when we split."He breathed out on Junho's left nipple."Ahhhh-w-why?"Junho arched his back as warmth enveloped his sensitive bud,a tongue flicking ever so lightly making it hard."Ngha-Chanana.."Chansung gripped onto Junho's leaking member with his own in one hand,squeezing and stoking in short abrupt tugs that had them both moaning hoarsely in unison. Junho began thrusting into Chansung's hand in dire need of more friction. Junho's moan was muffled by a slick tongue that explored his cavern shamelessly. He felt three digits stretch his mouth wider as they moved around his cavern next to Chansung's tongue. When the younger pulled out the soaked fingers,he couldn't help but groan at the erotic view of Junho's flushed face,hazy eyes and swollen parted lips covered in drool. He plunged his tongue back in as all three of his fingers nudged Junho's twitching pucker. He was quite surprised when his fingers slicked in quite easily with not much effort."I-I've got toys Chansung-ah,just get on with it-"Junho felt Chansung's pulsating cock twitch against his own as he commanded the younger. Junho whimpered at the loss of fullness when the younger pulled from his hole and rested Junho's right leg on his shoulder. Junho was taken aback when he opened his eyes to a deviant grin in-lined with his face as he felt a long sharp pain coarse through his ring muscles and up his spine. He screamed equally as intense as the pain in his ass,the music next door coming to a complete mute."Ahh-Chanana...I'm so full."Junho's eyes began to pour relentlessly as the younger kept pushing in dryly to the hilt."I'm not a fucking dildo Nuneo,you know this,"he grunted at the other's tightness."To make sure you remember that,I'm going to pound you raw."Junho couldn't hold back a squeal when Chansung began to pull out,not waiting for the smaller to adjust to his size. He noticed Junho scrunch his face tightly as he tried to bite back his moans."Moan for me Nuneo,scream for Chanana. Make louder music than those little shits."Junho yelped as Chansung bit on his calf that rested on his shoulder. Junho hated how little and submissive the other made him feel when they did..'this'. He screamed at the top of his lungs when Chansung's angled thrust hit him spot on his prostrate,pushing in even harder to increase the pressure."Chansung-ah m-move faster."The smaller breathed out. With one grunt as if to muster up strength,Chansung began to pound mercilessly into the moaning mess beneath him.He chuckled at the 'Holy Shit!' he heard from next door,silence from the troublesome neighbors as Junho shamelessly cried,shrieked and moaned at the abuse inflicted on his rear."Chan-a-na-ahh!"Junho's nails trailed down the younger's back leaving battle marks of red. The bed-post banged on the wall at the power of Chansung's thrusts,mattress creaking with each motion."Cheap-ass bed. Junho-yah,I thought you treasured quality."The younger chuckled with a grunt."It's a b-big,bed-I like b-big.."Junho's brows knitted as he felt his climax approach."I'm close Chanana..""Me too Nuneo. Say my name for me baby."Chansung began pumping the other's neglected cock."Chansungahhh!!"Junho erupted with immense euphoria,straining his throat as his semen rubbed between their rocking bodies."Ahhf-fuck Junho..."Chansung grunted as he released into the clenched warmth that milked him of his orgasm. He slowly rocked back and forth riding out his orgasm as he connected their lips in a passionate sultry kiss."I-I love you Junho-yah.."Junho's eyes began to tear at the spoken words,Chansung thought it was probably from the pleasure as he kissed the smaller's eyes. He slipped out of him and covered their sweaty bodies with a blanket,and cuddled tightly with the half asleep man."A-are you guys okay in there?"Chansung smirked at the troublesome neighbors worry,before falling asleep.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Junho opened his eyes as he felt his body feeling numb,reluctant to follow his command to move. He shifted his head sideways at the source of the breath trickling his cheek."Ah fuck.."He grumbled to himself.He pushed off the younger's heavy arm from his chest as he sat up,feeling a jolt of electricity shoot up his spine."Last night was-""A mistake!"Junho retorted looking back at the face stuffed in pillow."Was amazing Junho."He smirked as he forcefully pulled Junho back to lie back onto his chest,caressing the damp messy hair of the smaller man."Almost better than when we were permitted to this.""Chansung-ah..""Shhh..Junho you said it yourself,we're completely incapable of having a calm normal conversation."He cupped Junho's cheek to make him look up at him."So can we just let our bodies do the talking..hmm?"Junho sighed in defeat,relaxing completely at the other's mercy. He did'nt lie to himself,he missed this."Hotel Patrol! Open up!"Chansung groaned at the knocking on the door interrupting the moment. Junho of coarse,ceased the opportunity to escape the forbidden calm and shuffled out of bed and wrap on his morning gown."Can I help you gentlemen?"He smiled as he opened the door."U-uhm,yes."Junho's smile only grew wider as he noticed the affect he had on the men."We got a distress call from the suite next-door. Saying they heard screaming from in here?""Those shits heard right."Junho and the security looked back at the voice coming from behind inside the door. Clad in his bare skin,Chansung poured himself a glass of whiskey and downed the contents in one chug,causing jaws to drop."Chansung!""Whaaaat?"The younger whined raising his hands to display his innocence."A-are we interrupting something?""Yes! No!" Junho and Chansung answered in unison."No you're not. Thank you for worrying but all's well."He began pushing the door shut as the security reluctantly backed away,glaring at Chansung's naked frame."You make an effort to always embarrass me,don't you Hwang?"Junho folded his arms."It's not really an effort. You're to easy Junho."He sipped the whiskey from the bottle this time."Easy!? Fuck you Chansung!"Junho stomped over and snatched the bottle from the pouting younger."I don't mean easy like that Junho-yah. I meant that you're always worried of what people see of you.""Well that's classic coming from someone who feels insecure when no one's looking at him!"He began to roughly remove the soiled bed sheets."Don't take it out on the bed."Chansung chuckled. He then froze immediately and pulled a straight face on at the other's intense glare."You're a fucking attention seeker Chansung. Prancing around with a crown of an ego.""Well you're the one with the insecurity problems Junho. Are you that afraid of being noticed?""Being judged Chansung! Not that I'm afraid of it,but hate to be judged according to your reckless actions!""Is that really why you're mad?"Chansung gripped tightly on the other's arm turning him to look into his face."No.""Then why the fuck are you mad at me Junho!"Junho's face softened."You mean why I left you?"Both of their bodies became calm."Because of your irrationality,your abrupt outbursts of wildness,your selfishness Chansung. As long as you were having a good time,nothing else mattered. And you have the nerve of calling my best friend a junkie?""He is a junkie.."The younger grumbled."Things like last night Chansung-ah,I can't control myself around you,trust myself with you."He looked down from the other's pained eyes."Even after so many years I can't-""Trust yourself to love me."Chansung interrupted the other."Will you ever trust anyone,Junho?"There was a silence as Chansung let go of Junho's arm."Then why did you marry me Junho? Was it to tame me?""I-I think you should go,Chansung-ah."He sighed and continued making up the bed. Chansung nodded to himself as he began to wear his scattered clothes,ignoring the underwear and one shoe he couldn't find.He chuckled as he walked towards the door,earning a confused smirk form Junho."Bye!See you tonight Nuneo!"He slammed the door, depriving Junho an opinion on his statement."Ah my life right now."He continued to tidy up rolling his eyes,then blushing at the wall paint cracks caused by the rattling bed-post from the night before. A strong smell of love-making lurking in the air._________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A/N....Tah-dah!!!(throws confetti)Here we have a chapter that needs no descrption.It speaks on its own huh?*haha anyway,there's clearly still alot of un-finished business going on between these two,stick around because it only gets deeper from here.<(",)>Sooo the whole smut scene*hides*that was kinda..I don't know,I feel like i have to say something about that...but I'll leave that to you nne?And something else uber(totally awsome)happened today,I summarised the whole fic and concluded that it will consist of maybe eleven looong chapters if all goes according to 'The Plan'(haha sounds like some kind of force of nature XD)...I hope.I'm about to update on my other fic today for my other lovely subcribers sooo...see you tomorrow!Thanx for the lurrrv...Comment if you wanna and subcribe coz you gottta!..nah i'm jk!<3