Inspired by the album ‘The Best Moment In Life Pt. 1’ ;))) random/weird/justbangtan/funny(I hope) thing that came to me. ENJOYYYY~ Foreword~TABLE OF CONTENTS~Intro: An Infiring Moment to Remember...
Minghaos all pastel aesthetic and Junhui is leather jackets and grunge ForewordWorking as a florist in a low-traffic street doesnt bring much excitement to Minghaos life, but one day popular indie gu...
Contrary to popular belief, Oh Sehun is not a sparrow. He is a fucking magestic, independent eagle.Yixing, on the other hand, pretends to believe him.Luhan thinks that theyre both stupid. Title ta...
Kyungsoo meets Jongin and his life is practically turned upside down, flipped and sizzled like a sunny side up on a frying pan. Because Kyungsoo literally feels he has the hots for this person he has...