• Inspired by the album ‘The Best Moment In Life Pt. 1’  ;)))  random/weird/justbangtan/funny(I hope) thing that came to me.  ENJOYYYY~  Foreword~TABLE OF CONTENTS~Intro: An Infiring Moment to Remember...
  • Minghaos all pastel aesthetic and Junhui is leather jackets and grunge ForewordWorking as a florist in a low-traffic street doesnt bring much excitement to Minghaos life, but one day popular indie gu...
  • Contrary to popular belief, Oh Sehun is not a sparrow. He is a fucking magestic, independent eagle.Yixing, on the other hand, pretends to believe him.Luhan thinks that theyre both stupid.    Title ta...
  • Kyungsoo meets Jongin and his life is practically turned upside down, flipped and sizzled like a sunny side up on a frying pan. Because Kyungsoo literally feels he has the hots for this person he has...
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