• Mina and her pretty locker buddy. ...
  • Not the usual story since its DaMi but since I like them both why not try? hahaha I hope you check this out hehe ForewordHope you enjoy! ...
  • In which Mina leaves her bed for once and fetch Chaeyoung from school. Things just become interesting on their way back. ForewordIm soryyyyyy, i know i got baby part 3 and love station!!! But the the...
  • When she learns of Minas answer to a particular question in the MILK interview, Sana is determined to catch the younger girls eye (and heart) by imitating Chaeyoungs style.Sana being Sana, things jus...
  • Tidak. Kisah itu cukup sampai disitu saja. Aku tidak ingin mengungkitnya. Apalagi mengulanginya. Tidak akan pernah! Tapi sialnya orang itu kembali dan aku yakin kisah-kisah suram itu akan terulang la...
  • Another story from me. Apologize with my broken English. Enjoy~ ^^ ForewordLove story about a butler with her master. ...
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